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EXCERPT from Crimson Arches by Rebecca Carey Lyles: What was going on?

Crimson Arches CoverAs we continue to celebrate the Publication Day of Crimson Arches, here’s a little sample to whet your appetite, and a quick reminder that both books (so far) in this series are available for a great price.

from Crimson Arches by Rebecca Carey Lyles

What was going on?

Far ahead on the two-lane highway that divided the flat desert like an endless gray ribbon, a light flashed. Kasenia Clarke squinted but saw nothing unusual, not even a dust devil twirling across the arid plain. Had to be sunlight reflected off a car window or a bumper. She lowered the sun visor to block the bright orb’s merciless glare, and a flicker in the rearview mirror caught her eye.

What was going on?

A siren sounded behind her. This time, she couldn’t miss the frenetic red-and-blue beams coming closer by the second. Heart in her throat, she glanced at the speedometer and steered to the side. She wasn’t speeding, and the kidnapping charges had been dropped a year ago. Even so, her stomach clenched at the reminder of her arrest and incarceration, experiences she hoped to never repeat.

A State Trooper’s SUV screamed past, buffeting her car. Kasenia cringed. The ear-piercing sound shook her to her core. The trooper wasn’t after her, thank God, but someone up ahead was injured or in trouble. After a quick check for other cars, she drove onto the blacktop, only to hear another siren. This time, she swerved off the highway mere moments before an ambulance wailed by her window.

When no more emergency vehicles followed, Kasenia checked one more time. With deep breaths to slow her racing pulse, she pulled onto the road again, grateful the sirens hadn’t triggered a panic attack.

She’d traveled several more miles when she topped a rise and saw a string of cars that appeared to be at a standstill several miles ahead. Black smoke billowed in the distance.

More sirens. More lights. Again, she reduced speed and maneuvered out of the way. A second ambulance passed, this one trailed by a firetruck, then a tow truck, and another firetruck.

“Jesus,” she whispered, “please help those who’ve been injured and give the first responders wisdom.” Almost every time she rode with her grandpa, someone would speed past on a straightaway. And every time, he’d grouse, “What does that bloomin’ blockhead think this is, a racetrack?” Sadly, sometimes those drivers caused horrible accidents.

She rolled onto the road, this time to slowly approach the last vehicle in the queue. Braking to a stop, she sat for a moment, taking in the situation. Despite the heat, people stood outside their cars, gaping at the enormous black smoke cloud.

Before she switched off the AC, Kasenia twisted her hair to fit it into the crown of her wide-brimmed straw sunhat and adjusted her sunglasses, which usually prevented recognition. But not always. The hat was an extra precaution to hide her copper-colored hair, which tended to attract attention.

Modeling required her to be in the spotlight during photo shoots—she was used to that. But since the Shadow Ranch debacle, almost every time she left home, curious people gathered around her like mice to cheese. They bombarded her with questions about the ranch, Brewster, the sister wives, running away. They took cell phone pictures without her permission and begged for autographs. Yet in a year’s time, not a single person had asked how she and Sam and the others were coping with the trauma since their perilous escape.

Her lawyer advised her to say she wasn’t allowed to answer questions or give autographs, and to keep walking, so that’s what she did.

In addition to local notoriety, her photo had been plastered on the front cover of nearly every magazine on the grocery-store racks. All because she’d stupidly fallen for Brewster’s lies and allowed him to trick her into a fake marriage. Then there was the meddling media, as Grandpa Gordon called reporters who appeared from nowhere, snapping pictures and sticking microphones in her face. All these months later, they still clamored for interviews about her Shadow Ranch experience.

Kasenia switched off the ignition and reached for the door handle. The silver SUV she’d parked behind had a Montana license plate. Good. People from up north wouldn’t know anything about her or Shadow Ranch.

Read the rest in Crimson Arches by Rebecca Carey Lyles to see what happens from here in this follow-up to Shadow Ranch.

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MUSIC MONDAY: Oh Well by Slash feat. Chris Stapleton

Music Monday

Music Monday's originated at The Tattooed Book Geek's fantastic blog and has shown up hither, thither, and yon since then.

I’m not the biggest fan of the original, but I really dig a good cover of this song—Haim‘s and Tourniquet‘s come to mind as examples. And now, this:

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The Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag ’24

The Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag
I’ve seen this on various blogs, but can’t seem to find the creator, so I can’t credit them. I’d like to, if anyone knows who did it.

I saw this over at Peat Long’s Blog, Biblio Nerd Reflections, and Chasing Destino (and, apparently, did it myself last year), and thought it was worth a shot. Three weeks later, here we are…

How many books have you read so far?

86 is what the ol’ spreadsheet says. Which is larger than I expected, I’ve gotta say (even after subtracting a handful of board books, picture books, etc., that’s still better than I’d have guessed).

Have you already found a book you think might be a 2024 favourite? If not, what was your favourite book you read that wasn’t quite five stars?

Smoke Kings by Jahmal Mayfield , City on Fire by Don Winslow, and The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett are the front-runners so far.

Smoke KingsBlank SpaceCity on FireBlank SpaceThe Tainted Cup

I’ve got Christa Comes Out of Her Shell by Abbi Waxman coming up this week (probably), I assume it’ll be in the running, too.

Christa Comes Out of Her Shell

Any 1-star books / least favourite book of the year?

America Fantastica by Tim O’Brien is a title that begs for someone to say it’s not that fantastic. And it isn’t. Not really that good–and I kept waiting for it to raise to the level of mediocre, at least. As I tried to describe.

America Fantastica

Most read genre so far?

Mystery/Crime/Thriller. Which will come as no surprise to anyone who is not me. I figured it might be on top, but I thought that Fantasy would be a lot closer so far this year. Which probably says a lot about how much reflection I’ve given to things.

1st Quarter Genre Chart

A book that surprised you?

Several of them, really. But I’m going to have to give this one to the 2024 InCryptid novel, Aftermarket Afterlife–McGuire does things in this story I didn’t think she’d do in this series. I was caught way off-guard more than once. Literally stunned.
Literally gif

Aftermarket Afterlife

A book that’s come out in 2024 already that you want to read but haven’t yet?

Ugh. So many of them. The four that come to mind (and I’m sorry to everyone who should have a book that comes to mind, but didn’t).
The Ballad of Sprikit The Bard (And Company) by Seán O’Boyle, Strange Religion: How the First Christians Were Weird, Dangerous, and Compelling by Nijay K. Gupta, The World Entire by Jo Perry, City in Ruins by Don Winslow (but I have to read City of Dreams first).

The Ballad of Sprikit The Bard (And Company)Blank SpaceStrange ReligionBlank SpaceThe World EntireBlank SpaceCity in Ruins

One goal you made that you’re succeeding at

To read more for and to post more in the Grandpappy’s Corner series.

One goal you made that you need to focus on

All of the others would fit. Catching up on my To-Be-Written stack is my primary focus at the moment.

(not that anyone but me can tell that, I’ll note)

New to you Bloggers/Booktubers/ Bookstagrammers/Booktokers for 2023 you recommend?

bullet Hair Past a Freckle
bullet The Quill to Live
bullet Burt’s Library

As per usual, I’m not tagging anyone in particular, but I’m curious–what’s the first of the year been like for you?

Saturday Miscellany—4/27/24

For U.S.-types, Happy Independent Bookstore Day!! Be sure to venture forth and take advantage of the fun in your area. I actually have 3 choices to go to today (and, yes, I’m tempted to hit all three, but time and money prevent that). This month has not been good for my To Be Read mountain, and I don’t think today will help a lot.

(non-U.S.-types should go and visit your local indie shop, too.)

Odds ‘n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
bullet A novel experience: Why small bookstores are thriving in Canada—this seems to be a good day to celebrate those stores north of the border, too.
bullet There’s a revolution happening in children’s publishing—you can thank the book bans—the Law of Unintended Consequences has teeth
bullet Yes, It’s Okay to Throw Away a Book: We love acquiring, hoarding, and displaying books even more than we love reading them—That subtitle is a bit much, but the rest of the piece is worth a read. Unconvincing, I think.
bullet The literary romantic holiday that should replace Valentine’s Day.—this one also seems like a bit of a stretch, but I’m inclined to be swayed.
bullet Shakespeare and Fanfiction: Despite an enduring slice of audience that treats his work as precious and mythic, most Shakespeare fans have rarely met an adaptive concept they didn’t like.
bullet The Unexpected Resurrection of Harlan Ellison
bullet The Heyday of Pulp Fiction: Keith Roysdon on the heroes and villains of American pop culture, introduced to millions of readers in cheap magazines.
bullet Encyclopedia Brown: A Story for My Brother, Philip Seymour Hoffman
bullet How to Read More—Armed With a Book brings a fresh idea or two to this perennial topic.
bullet Brian Bilston is “fed up with people pointing out all the mistakes in my poetry” and responds with Pedants—absolutely worth the read.

To help talk about backlist titles (and just for fun), What Was I Talking About 10 Years Ago Week?
It looks like whatever was distracting me from blogging in April 2014 started to wane, and I managed to note the publication of a few books that looked promising (I read at least 3 of them—all 3 winners)
bullet The Dragon Business by Kevin J. Anderson
bullet Attack The Geek: A Ree Reyes Side-Quest by Michael R. Underwood
bullet The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line by Rob Thomas and Jennifer Graham
bullet Heaven’s Queen by Rachel Bach
bullet Dawn’s Early Light by Pip Ballantine and Tee Morris

This Week’s New Release that I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
bullet Next of Kin by Samantha Jayne Allen—Annie McIntyre’s third adventure finds her looking into a client’s family history and stirring up dust that causes problems for her and the client in the present. Looking forward to diving into this one.

I do not know how to give alt text for this, sorry. Follow the link and maybe the original post does

WWW Wednesday, April 24, 2024

No time for an intro or anything, let’s just drive

This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words—and shown to me by Aurore-Anne-Chehoke at Diary-of-a-black-city-girl.

The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Seems easy enough, right? Let’s take a peek at this week’s answers:

What are you currently reading?

I’m still reading (and making oddly slow progress in) Woman in White by Wilkie Collins and the short story collection, Takeout Sushi by Christopher Green. I’m listening to Making It So by Patrick Stewart on audiobook.

Woman in WhiteBlank SpaceBlank SpaceTakeout SushiBlank SpaceMaking It So

What did you recently finish reading?

I last finished Shami Stovall’s Time-Marked Warlock, a dynamite soon-to-be-released Urban Fantasy and the audiobook, Lost Talismans and a Tequila by Annette Marie, read by Teddy Hamilton, Cris Dukehart.

Time-Marked WarlockBlank SpaceLost Talismans and a Tequila

What do you think you’ll read next?

My next book should be the promising-looking Red Queen by Juan Gómez-Jurado and my next audiobook should be Spelunking Through Hell by Seanan McGuire, read by Emily Bauer.

Red QueenBlank SpaceSpelunking Through Hell

Tell me what you’re reading.

Oh, also, Bookstooge, try to restrain your Collins I-told-you-so.

Saturday Miscellany—4/20/24

The worst day of the year to work in an Adolescent Drug Rehab facility is April 20. It’s been years since I left and I still tense up with I write the date.

I had so many plans this week for the blog, and I don’t think I accomplished any of them (but boy, oh, boy do I have several drafts in some stage of incompletion). I have a Tour Stop on Monday for a strong read. Let’s hope I can put something together for that at least. Stay tuned.

I can tell you that May is going to be a great month around here, thanks to some very generous authors, bloggers, etc. (see this post for details). Hopefully, I can keep things interesting enough until then.

In the meantime, here’s a quick Saturday Miscellany.

Oh, wait…one more thing: Jo Linsdell is trying to start up a new Weekend Link Up Party. Drop by, leave a link, and follow a few.

Odds ‘n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
bullet Who doesn’t look to Forbes magazine for their literary news? They recently released their list of The 30 Greatest Book Series Of All Time—(it’s actually a pretty good list) “rankings are based on specific factors, including critical acclaim, commercial success, mass appeal, and cultural impact among readers of all ages over the years.” The box set they use for the Narnia image is the one I grew up with.
bullet In honor of the 637th Anniversary of The Canterbury Tales on Wednesday (who knew?), Lit Hub asks: What if Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales came out today?
bullet On Writing a Book When The World is On Fire: Sara Koffi on turning to thrillers when justice is missing.
bullet “Bad” Books, and the Readers That Love Them
bullet On Narrative Weight and Moral Arguments
bullet A Guide to Blog Commenting —A good post on the subtle art of blog commenting from Jo Lindsdell (for people who aren’t trolls or spammers). I’m pretty sure I should’ve read until the end of this one before I left a comment on her latest post. Oops. Will try to do better!
bullet Addictive tropes in books — Found Family—a good look at Found Families
bullet Why is Sherlock Holmes so Popular? It’s Elementary (Updated)—from Witty & Sarcastic Bookclub
bullet Love And The Male Redemption Arc: A Ramble Through Fantasy Literature—on a week where I struggle to finish anything, Peat Long puts up a post as good as this one and the one about Moral Arguments (above). Show off.
bullet What to expect from Wyrd & Wonder
bullet The Joy of Book Blogging from an Introvert’s Perspective—I can identify with a lot of this (shock!)
bullet Yeah, it’s a little mean—and maybe even a little lazy—but you’re going to chuckle if you click this link for at least a moment
bullet A cute little song with a message that needs to be heard

This Week’s New Releases that I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
bullet Christa Comes Out of Her Shell by Abbi Waxman—I dunno what this is about, I stopped reading at “Abbi Waxman.” Seriously, it’s about an antisocial scientist dealing with the media spotlight, family drama, and possible romance. I’m certain Waxman can do a lot with those elements.
bullet Bad Actors by Mark Pepper—the taxi driver you do not want to cross is back in action in L.A. of all places. Not surprisingly, it appears that he brought his personal brand of chaos with him. I cannot wait to get to this.
bullet Close to Death by Anthony Horowitz—Horowitz and Hawthorne are back in action.

The text 'Hello, I'm not paying attention right now. Please leave a message at the sound of my book being closed.' next to line art of a woman reading a book.

WWW Wednesday, April 17, 2024

It seems like every audiobook I’ve placed on hold at the library became available in the last week–thankfully, I’ve been able to (mostly) stay on top of them.

This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words—and shown to me by Aurore-Anne-Chehoke at Diary-of-a-black-city-girl.

The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Seems easy enough, right? Let’s take a peek at this week’s answers:

What are you currently reading?

I’m reading Woman in White by Wilkie Collins, and am listening to Lost Talismans and a Tequila by Annette Marie, read by Teddy Hamilton, Cris Dukehart on audiobook.

Woman in WhiteBlank SpaceLost Talismans and a Tequila

What did you recently finish reading?

I just finished Shami Stovall’s Time-Marked Warlock. a dynamite soon-to-be-released Urban Fantasy. Yesterday, I finished the audio short story Dietrich by Don Winslow, read by Ed Harris (a dynamic duo as usual) and the audiobook The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians: True Stories of the Magic of Reading by James Patterson and Matt Eversmann, read by Tom Force, Nancy Peterson, Jenn Lee, Jennifer Pickens, Amy Jensen, Deanna Anthony, Jane Oppenheimer, Susan Hanfield, Marni Penning, Daniel Henning, and Rob Reider (and possibly 20 other people, at a certain point, you lose track).

Time-Marked WarlockBlank SpaceDietrichBlank SpaceThe Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians

What do you think you’ll read next?

My next book should be the promising looking Red Queen by Juan Gómez-Jurado and my next audiobook should be a book I’ve been eager to listen to for some time now, Making It So by Patrick Stewart.

Red QueenBlank SpaceMaking It So

What are you up to?

MUSIC MONDAY: Battle without Honor or Humanity by Tomoyasu Hotei

Music Monday

Music Monday's originated at The Tattooed Book Geek's fantastic blog and has shown up hither, thither, and yon since then.

I prefer the studio version, but there’s something about this that’s almost as infectious.

Irresponsible Reader Pilcrow Icon

Nero Wolfe on Taxes

I can’t tell you when this became a (largely) annual thing for me to post, but it was on a blog that pre-existed this one. As always, seems like a good day to post it.

Nero Wolfe Back CoversA man condemning the income tax because of the annoyance it gives him or the expense it puts him to is merely a dog baring its teeth, and he forfeits the privileges of civilized discourse. But it is permissible to criticize it on other and impersonal grounds. A government, like an individual, spends money for any or all of three reasons: because it needs to, because it wants to, or simply because it has it to spend. The last is much the shabbiest. It is arguable, if not manifest, that a substantial proportion of this great spring flood of billions pouring into the Treasury will in effect get spent for that last shabby reason.

–Nero Wolfe
from And Be a Villain

Saturday Miscellany—4/13/24

A new local bookstore opened pretty close to me this week. I stopped in last night and it won’t be the last time I do that (and not just because they’re holding a book for me). Welcome to the world, Shared Stories!

Odds ‘n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
bullet Lynne Reid Banks obituaryThe Indian in the Cupboard was one of those books I returned to over and over and over again (and somehow, I don’t think I’ve ever talked about the book).
bullet One of the Best Things We Can Do for Ourselves as We Age: This will help feed your soul and boost your overall health.—betcha can’t guess what “this”  is
bullet Books are trash too: Remember to throw them away during spring cleaning—I endorse almost none of this. But it’s something to consider. (I suppose)
bullet Autistic Literature Will Flourish When We Stop Insisting That Writers Qualify Their Autism: Wouldn’t it be a relief if we could stop asking authors to meet a specific set of diagnostic criteria? —Especially in Autism Acceptance Month, a good read
bullet Sherlock’s Double: At William Gillette’s Castle—barely qualifies for this list, but I don’t care
bullet Inheritance of Magic – Six Month Mark—Benedict Jacka talks about the sales numbers for his new series—and what those numbers likely mean for its future (spoiler: good news all around). I appreciate when authors can be this open (but understand when they don’t, I doubt I’d be able to).
bullet The new book, health, and a few other updates—a similarly open update from Harry Connolly
bullet Hello, my name is D I Jolly—a nice intro to this author who keeps popping up on the blog (and hopefully continues to do so)
bullet Can a Book Really Be For Everyone?: What makes a book for everyone? Is it the presence of universal themes? Approachable prose?—Templeton’s latest is reliably good.
bullet Chet and Bernie Tribute—a fan-made Spotify playlist. And yes, I will be listening to this when I dip into the upcoming Chet and Bernie book.
bullet Considering the cosy turn in SFF: who gets to be comforted?
bullet Booktok And Consumerism: For The Filthy Book Buying Capitalists Out There…
bullet Seven books that I reviewed when this blog started thirteen years ago—A cool way to look back on an anniversary (happy 13th, Mike Finn!)
bullet Good Books With Disappointing Endings—this was supposed to go up last week. Ooops. Great idea for a list.
bullet Witty and Sarcastic Bookclub got on her Twitter soapbox about policing reviews and was absolutely correct

This Week’s New Releases that I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
bullet Bridge to Bat City by Ernest Cline—”a mostly true tall tale about an unexpected friendship between a young girl and a music-loving colony of bats.” A departure from Cline’s usual, but something tells me this is going to work really well.
bullet Status Drift by Ian Robinson—the second in the re-issued Sam Batford series is not to be missed.
bullet Rain Falls Hard by David Nolan—to commemorate the news about the TV adaptation, Farenheit Press is issuing Nolan’s Manc Noir trilogy in one handy (and cheap) volume. If you missed buying (and reading) these separately, now’s your chance to remedy that.
bullet The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians: True Stories of the Magic of Reading by James Patterson and Matt Eversmann—true stories of “the superheroes of reading”

#914 When you accidentally see a spoiler for a book and you just try to pretend that you didn't actually see it.

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