Category: Currently Reading Page 6 of 60

Highlights from January: Lines Worth Repeating

Highlights from the Month
I’m back with this look at some of the best lines I came across last month. I wish a couple of the ARCs I read were published so I could use some lines from them–it probably would’ve almost doubled the size of this post.
The Blacktongue Thief

The Blacktongue Thie by Christopher Beuhlman

Only the strong, the rich, and the dying think truth is a necessity; the rest of us know it for a luxury

And there’s humanity in a glimpse—we’ve always got a copper for a stone idol, but none for the beggar in its shadow.

To conquer a kingdom, a thousand is not enough. To free a prisoner, ten is too many.

Miles Morales Suspended

Miles Morales Suspended by Jason Reynolds

The moon was a lightbulb dangling from a high ceiling, But in Brooklyn, there were no stars. Not in the sky. Miles, climbed along side his building up to the roof. Once there, he looked out at the New York City skyline and imagined that all the stars that were supposed to be there had fallen, and now sparkled much closer to the ground.

Charm City Rocks

Charm City Rocks by Matthew Norman

For parents, the drawback to loving their children so much is the anxiety that comes with it-—like love’s neurotic cousin…

He’d like to know what she almost said. One of the worst things about being a person is that when you don’t know something, you assume the absolute worst.

Another one of the worst things about being a person: when we’re not busy imagining the worst, too often we allow ourselves to imagine the best, and that almost never pans out.

Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone

Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson

“I’m sorry about before,” I said. Seeing as we were shoulder to shoulder, I spoke outwards, lobbing my apology into the void of the mountain. It’s the only way blokes know how to show humility, by pretending we’re at a urinal.

Witty repartee is not well serviced by truth.

Calculated Risks

Calculated Risks by Seanan McGuire

I hate it when people tell me not to be afraid. They never do that when something awesome is about to happen. No one says “don’t be afraid” and hands you an ice cream cone, or a kitten, or tickets to Comic-Con.


Hacker by Duncan MacMaster


The campus was bustling.

The air was fresh.

However, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there were a pair of eyes boring holes into the back of my head. I turned around suddenly, and among the milling throng of students and staff going back and forth, I did catch someone doing an instant turn into a doorway.

Were the police tailing me?

Was the killer tailing me?

Was I being a paranoid moron?

All three were distinct possibilities.

The City of Scale

The City of Scales by M. T. Miller

Ask, receive, then grieve over the folly of your desire.

The person behind the counter rose; a burly, shirtless creature resembling an oversized egg pretending to be a man.

But this hunt, not unlike a broken latrine, is a gift that keeps on giving.


“None,” said the captain. “Unless someone finds us and we have to subdue them. If that happens, we should move at that moment.”

“No complaints from me,” Amelie said, knowing that she was telling a lie. If things turned sour, she would grumble all the way to her dying breath.

“Easy, no?”

“Not as easy as drowning,” the captain said. “But it could work.

“And my professional opinion is that I have no idea.”

Dream Town

Dream Town by Lee Goldberg

“You’re cruel, which you’ve already proven today by trying to starve me to death,” Duncan said. “We skipped lunch.”

“How is that my fault?”

“You were driving,” he said. “We were caught up in the momentum of the case.”

“He who holdeth the steering wheel decideth whether to driveth- through or not to driveth- through,” Duncan said. “It’s in the Bible. Or maybe it was Shakespeare. I can’t remember, because I’m too hungry.

(Image by DaModernDaVinci from Pixabay)

Saturday Miscellany—2/3/24

Odds ‘n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
bullet Column: Need help finding a good book? Try one your 9th-grader isn’t allowed to read —There’s something to this strategy (especially if it leads someone to read Milton), but I’m mostly sharing this for some of the updates on the banning-but-not-technically movement across the states.
bullet The Great Fiction of AI: The strange world of high-speed semi-automated genre fiction—as Pages Unbound noted, “The problem with this article is that we’re all mocking the authors for ‘writing’ books with AI, but they’re claiming people buy their books anyway and they’re making tons of money by churning this stuff out.”
bullet What Is Punctuation For?: Between the medieval and modern world, the marks used to make writing more legible changed from “pointing” to punctuation.
bullet Why Are We Talking About Books Like This?—This.
bullet What Makes a Favorite?—I appreciated Kopratic’s musings on the topic
bullet Dealing with DNF: The Practice of Did Not Finish—I’ve linked to a number of posts on DNFing over the years, I don’t know if any have been this thorough
bullet Why I’m No Longer Reading Grimdark…—I get this. I absolutely get this. I’m not there, but I could be. And I really identified with the Orangutan Librarian’s ‘2nd paragraph.
bullet Welcome to the #Febookary Reading Challenge 2024!—This looks fun. I absolutely don’t have time for it, but it looks fun.

To help talk about backlist titles (and just for fun), What Was I Talking About 10 Years Ago Week?
bullet Fobbit by David Abrams
Split Second by David Baldacci
bullet Unnatural Selection by Aaron J. Elkins
bullet And I noted the releases of Broken Homes by Ben Aaronovitch (and I was not prepared for all of that) and Cress by Marissa Meyer.

This Week’s New Releases that I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
bullet According to Mark by H. B. O’Neill—”Following a bad breakup, a despondent man, Robert, becomes convinced that the spirit of Mark Twain is trying to guide his life and thinking, giving him lessons in the form of quotations from Twain’s works. Eventually, Twain focuses on getting Robert to kill himself. Robert’s eager to follow the lessons of his hero, but things keep interfering with his efforts.” Is how I started my raving about the book. You can read the rest here.
bullet A Quantum Love Story by Mike Chen—I stopped reading at the author’s name. So I don’t know what it’s about…it’s sort of a Groundhog Day/ST:TNG “Cause and Effect” kind of thing. But not?
bullet Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson—Stevenson follows up his dynamite novel by sticking his protagonist in a locked room mystery on a train. Sounds perfect to me.
bullet Rivers of London: Here Be Dragons by James Swallow, Andrew Cartmel, Ben Aaronovitch—Peter and Nightingale deal with a Wyvern above London in the newest comic collection.
bullet These Deadly Prophecies by Andrea Tang—without reading it, I doubt I can do better than the description: “A teenage sorcerer’s apprentice must solve her boss’s murder in order to prove her innocence in this twisty, magic-infused murder mystery perfect for fans of Knives Out and The Inheritance Games.”

Lastly, I’d like to say hi and extend a warm welcome to mentalnotes1, who followed the blog this week. I hope you enjoy the content and keep coming back.
I may not know how to fly but I know how to read, and that's almost the same thing. Gregory Maguire

January 2024 in Retrospect: What I Read/Listened to/Wrote About

Before I get into anything, I want to give a shout-out to the tech wizard behind all this, Micah Burke, who (seemingly effortlessly…but probably not) got this site updated and fixed overnight. Hopefully the comments that I inadvertently broke are back online–many other things behind the scenes are much improved, too. You’re a legend, sir. Check out his website, buy one of his pics, hire him for something…

I finished 17 titles (10 down from last month, 3 down from last January), with an equivalent of 5,655 pages or the equivalent (2,250 down from last month), and gave them an average of 3.89 stars (.1 up from last month). I’d realized that I was taking longer with most books this year, I just didn’t know it was that much slower. I’m okay with that number–I only track so I can see how I’m spending my time–it’s just strange for me. Another thing that stood out to me is that my Traditionally vs. Indie Published ratio isn’t what I hope for, but looking at my TBR for the year, that should level off.

Most of my writing was focused on 2023, but I tried to keep a hand in and an eye on 2024 as well, with decent results. I left a couple of items on the drawing board, but not enough that I care. All in all, I’m calling this a good month and a strong start for ’24 for myself and for this wee lil’ blog.

Now, next week something’s happening in that part of my life that pays for all this. I don’t know how that’ll impact my posting frequency or my reading and listening. I’m pretty sure it will…but what do I know? The last 3-4 times I’ve said something like this, no discernible change was visible. Stay tuned, I guess.

But let’s get back to January, here’s what happened around here:
Books/Novels/Novellas Read/Listened to

Book 3 of
The Azure
The Blacktongue Thief Miles Morales Suspended
4 Stars 4 Stars 3.5 Stars
The Tainted Cup Charm City Rocks Cultural Christians in the Early Church
5 Stars 4 1/2 Stars 4 Stars
The Book of Doors America Fantastica Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone
4 Stars 2 Stars 4 Stars
Calculated Risks The Two Kingdoms Hacker
3.5 Stars 4 Stars 4 1/2 Stars
Prayers for Rain Death in the Dark Woods Planet Narnia
4 Stars 3 Stars 3.5 Stars
The City of Scales Dream Town
4 1/2 Stars 4 Stars

Still Reading

Glorifying and Enjoying God Word and Spirit Redemptive History & Biblical Interpretation
Institutes of Elenctic Theology Vol. 1 The Water and the Blood Didn't See That Coming


5 Stars 1 2 1/2 Stars 0
4 1/2 Stars 3 2 Stars 1
4 Stars 8 1 1/2 Stars 0
3.5 Stars 3 1 Star 0
3 Stars 1
Average = 3.88

TBR Stacks/Piles/Heaps

Audio E-book Physical Goodreads
End of
6 47 68 152 5
1st of the
6 47 68 152 5
Added 2 3 4 3 3
3 2 5 3 2
Current Total 5 48 67 152 6

“Traditionally” Published: 14
Self-/Independent Published: 3

Genre This Month Year to Date
Children’s 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Fantasy 5 (29%) 5 (29%)
General Fiction/ Literature 2 (12%) 2 (12%)
Mystery/ Suspense/ Thriller 5 (29%) 5 (29%)
Non-Fiction 1 (6%) 1 (6%)
Science Fiction 1 (6%) 1 (6%)
Theology/ Christian Living 2 (12%) 2 (12%)
Urban Fantasy 1 (6%) 1 (6%)
“Other” (Horror/ Humor/ Steampunk/ Western) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

Review-ish Things Posted

Other Things I Wrote
Other than the Saturday Miscellanies (6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th), I also wrote:

Enough about me—how Was Your Month?

January Calendar

WWW Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Here we are at the end of January, and there are at least 2 books I’d hoped to tackle on my TBR and one on my TBL (it To Be Listened (to) a thing? It should be) that I haven’t touched. Not bad, but, still—not auspicious. (one of those three does show up in this post at least!). Before I start planning February’s impossible goals, we might as well take a look at this week’s WWW.

This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words—and shown to me by Aurore-Anne-Chehoke at Diary-of-a-black-city-girl.

The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Seems easy enough, right? Let’s take a peek at this week’s answers:

What are you currently reading?

I’m reading the new Eve Ronin adventure, Dream Town by Lee Goldberg, and am listening to Didn’t See That Coming by Jesse Q. Sutanto, read by Risa Mein on audiobook.

Dream TownBlank SpaceDidn't See That Coming

What did you recently finish reading?

Yesterday, I finished M.T. Miller’s The City of Scales, where Miller discovered a gear I wasn’t sure he had, and Planet Narnia: The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C. S. Lewis by Michael Ward, read by Nigel Patterson on audio, where I discovered new depths to the beloved series.

The City of Scales Blank SpacePlanet Narnia

What do you think you’ll read next?

My next book should be the second book in The Hybrid Helix, Return of The Griffin by JCM Berne—exactly 55 weeks behind schedule. My next audiobook should be the latest Pentecost & Parker mystery Murder Crossed Her Mind by Stephen Spotswood, read by Kirsten Potter.

Return of the GriffinBlank SpaceMurder Crossed Her Mind

How’re you wrapping up this first month?

WWW Wednesday, January 24, 2024

I’m having one of those months where every book is taking at least a day longer than I assumed it would. This isn’t really a big deal—but I have a stack of library books with due dates looming, and I’m going to have to do something to overcome that. As that Canadian band asks, who needs sleep?

This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words—and shown to me by Aurore-Anne-Chehoke at Diary-of-a-black-city-girl.

The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Seems easy enough, right? Let’s take a peek at this week’s answers:

What are you currently reading?

This morning I started two new books: I’m reading Death in the Dark Woods by Annelise Ryan, and am listening to Planet Narnia: The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C. S. Lewis by Michael Ward, read by Nigel Patterson on audiobook. I’m intrigued by the premises to both, and hope they live up to them.

Death in the Dark WoodsBlank SpacePlanet Narnia

What did you recently finish reading?

I just finished Duncan MacMaster’s Hacker. It was better than I expected (and I expected good things). I also just finished Prayers for Rain by Dennis Lehane, read by Jonathan Davis on audio. I’d forgotten so much of this book—this was like reading it for the first time.

>HackerBlank SpacePrayers for Rain

What do you think you’ll read next?

My next book should be a book I meant to read in December, The City of Scales by M.T. Miller. My next audiobook should be something pretty different for me, Didn’t See That Coming by Jesse Q. Sutanto, read by Risa Mei.

The City of Scales Blank SpaceDidn't See That Coming

Are you reading anything good?

Opening Lines: Hacker by Duncan MacMaster

Head & Shoulders used to tell us that, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” That’s true for wearing dark shirts, and it’s especially true for books. Sometimes the characters will hook the reader, sometimes the premise, sometimes it’s just knowing the author—but nothing beats a great opening for getting a reader to commit.

I will not start this story at the moment I found an eyeball floating in my Coke.

from Hacker by Duncan MacMaster
Hacker Cover
Hard to top this. You have to keep going, right?

Opening Lines Logo

WWW Wednesday, January 17, 2024

I’m putting this together on the 16th day of the year—and I just now started my first Mystery novel of the year. How strange is that??? I guess The Tainted Cup had enough of that going on that my withdrawal symptoms haven’t kicked in.

This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words—and shown to me by Aurore-Anne-Chehoke at Diary-of-a-black-city-girl.

The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Seems easy enough, right? Let’s take a peek at this week’s answers:

What are you currently reading?

I’m reading the very quirky Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson, and have just started listening to Calculated Risks by Seanan McGuire, read by Emily Bauer on audiobook.

Everyone in My Family Has Killed SomeoneBlank SpaceCalculated Risks

What did you recently finish reading?

I just finished the wibbly wobbly, timey wimey The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown and America Fantastica by Tim O’Brien, read by Oliver Wyman on audio, a book I’m conflicted about. Maybe.

The Book of DoorsBlank SpaceAmerica Fantastica

What do you think you’ll read next?

My next book should be the almost certainly fast and fun, Hacker by Duncan MacMaster, and my next audiobook should be the dark and grim, Prayers for Rain by Dennis Lehane, read by Jonathan Davis (unless a library hold comes up first).

HackerBlank SpacePrayers for Rain

What are you bundled up against the cold with?

WWW Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Oh. Wow. Just…wow. I am on a hot streak to start off 2024. I’m just loving the books I’ve read/am reading so far. I know it won’t be long until I come across a book I like—or am disappointed with—but for now, I’m relishing the streak. Let’s dive in, so you can get a peak at what I’m talking about.

This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words—and shown to me by Aurore-Anne-Chehoke at Diary-of-a-black-city-girl.

The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Seems easy enough, right? Let’s take a peek at this week’s answers:

What are you currently reading?

I’m reading the utterly charming Charm City Rocks by Matthew Norman, and have just started listening to America Fantastica by Tim O’Brien, read by Oliver Wyman on audiobook. It looks promising, but that’s about all I’ve got to say for now.

Charm City RocksBlank SpaceAmerica Fantastica

What did you recently finish reading?

I just finished the stunning ARC for Robert Jackson Bennett’s The Tainted Cup and Miles Morales Suspended by Jason Reynolds, Narrated by: Guy Lockard and Nile Bullock on audio, which I posted about yesterday.

The Tainted CupBlank SpaceMiles Morales Suspended

What do you think you’ll read next?

My next book should be the ARC for The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown and my next audiobook should be the next step in my InCryptid run-through, Calculated Risks by Seanan McGuire, read by Emily Bauer.

The Book of DoorsBlank SpaceCalculated Risks

How’s the beginning of ’24 treating you?

WWW Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Welcome to my first WWW post of 2024, starting with this one, we’ll (very likely) be taking 52 looks at what books I’m reading and listening to throughout the year through the magic of this weekly meme. Feel free to leave a comment with a link to your WWW or just tell us what you’re reading. I enjoy reading these!

This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words—and shown to me by Aurore-Anne-Chehoke at Diary-of-a-black-city-girl.

The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Seems easy enough, right? Let’s take a peak at this weeks answers:

What are you currently reading?

I’ve got two really entertaining Fantasy novels that couldn’t be more different here. I’m reading Book 3 of The Azure Archipelago by K.R.R. Lockhaven, and am listening to The Blacktongue Thief by Christopher Buehlman on audiobook.

Cover to be RevealedBlank SpaceThe Blacktongue Thief

What did you recently finish reading?

I just finished Russell W. Johnson’s The Moonshine Messiah and Such Sharp Teeth by Rachel Harrison, Kristen Sieh (Narrator) on audio. One of those was great and the other was good enough.

The Moonshine MessiahBlank SpaceSuch Sharp Teeth

What do you think you’ll read next?

My next book should be the ARC for The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett, which looks great (and will finally cross Bennett off my “Authors I Should Try” list). My next audiobook should be Miles Morales Suspended by Jason Reynolds, Narrated by: Guy Lockard and Nile Bullock. Almost everything I know about Miles came from Reynolds’ first novel about him, I’m so glad to finally stumble onto this one.

The Tainted CupBlank SpaceMiles Morales Suspended

How are you starting 2024?

December 2023 in Retrospect: What I Read/Listened to/Wrote About

Lookee there, another month is done and dusted (yeah, a year, too…but we’ll get to that later). This month I finished 27 titles (3 down from last month, 6 down from last December), with an equivalent of 7,905+ pages or the equivalent (1,599 more than last month), and gave them an average of 3.78 stars (the same as last month).

There were a couple of picture books in that total, and 2 books I’ve been working on for months, so that’s really a lower number. But…eh, whatever. With one exception, I had a good time with them. I didn’t write as much this month as it felt I did, but I liked almost everything I produced. So…I’m calling it a win.

Here’s what happened here in December.
Books/Novels/Novellas Read/Listened to

Broken Trust Regeneration and Redemptive History The Secret
4 Stars 3.5 Stars 2 1/2 Stars
The Last Dance The MOST Powerful Christmas
4 Stars 4 1/2 Stars 3.5 Stars
Imaginary Numbers Blood Betrayal Alexandra Petri's US History: Important American Documents
3.5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars
Mislaid in Parts Half-Known Gone, Baby, Gone The Lord Bless You and Keep You
4 1/2 Stars 5 Stars 4 Stars
Grandpappy's Corner Logo Like, Literally, Dude Guards! Guards!
3 Stars 4 Stars 4 1/2 Stars
The Curator The Chimes The Mayors of New York
5 Stars 4 Stars 4 1/2 Stars
The God of the Mundane Vicious Dogs Such Sharp Teeth
3.5 Stars 3 Stars 3 Stars
The Many Assassinations of Samir, the Seller of Dreams The Moonshine Messiah She-Hulk: Jen Again
3.5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars
The Existence and Attributes of God A Mystery Revealed: 31 Meditations on the Trinity The AItheist
5 Stars 3 Stars 3 Stars


5 Stars 3 2 1/2 Stars 1
4 1/2 Stars 4 2 Stars 0
4 Stars 7 1 1/2 Stars 0
3.5 Stars 5 1 Star 0
3 Stars 7
Average = 3.78

TBR Stacks/Piles/Heaps

Audio E-book Physical Goodreads
End of
9 45 42 144
1st of the
7 47 69 153
Added 3 2 8 1
4 2 9 1
Current Total 6 47 68 153

“Traditionally” Published: 18
Self-/Independent Published: 9

Genre This Month Year to Date
Children’s 0 (0%) 25 (8%)
Fantasy 4 (15%) 34 (11%)
General Fiction/ Literature 1 (4%) 26 (9%)
Mystery/ Suspense/ Thriller 9 (33%) 90 (30%)
Non-Fiction 2 (7%) 22 (7%)
Science Fiction 3 (11%) 34 (11%)
Theology/ Christian Living 5 (19%) 30 (10%)
Urban Fantasy 2 (7%) 33 (11%)
“Other” (Horror/ Humor/ Steampunk/ Western) 1 (4%) 9 (3%)

Review-ish Things Posted

Other Things I Wrote
Other than the Saturday Miscellanies (2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th), I also wrote:

Enough about me—how Was Your Month?

December Calendar

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