Earlier today, I gave my take on Danielle Higley’s great book, The Stories Behind the Stories, and now I’m very excited and pleased to share this Q&A with her. I hope you enjoy

What was the genesis of this project? How did you select the authors to feature?
This book came about in a somewhat unconventional way. In my spare time, I proofread and copy-edit for publishers and independent writers. I was referred to Bushel & Peck via another publisher and began proofreading for them in late 2020. I guess they liked my work, because shortly thereafter, they came to me with an idea for a nonfiction children’s book: The Stories Behind the Stories.

They gave me free rein to come up with what titles would be included and how those stories would be told. We did go back and forth on a few of the chapters—Peter Pan or Peter and Wendy was particularly challenging to write—but they gave me a lot of creative freedom. I chose the stories inside, initially, based on the books I’d consider the most famous or influential children’s classics. I then filled out the list by looking at other lists. I did consider diversity in my selection process, but looking back, I wish I would have included more books by authors of color.

I compare my publishing journey to that of The Magic School Bus creators, where Craig Walker, an editor for Scholastic, recruited Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen for the project. Walker believed that if someone could find a way to combine curriculum science with fun fiction, kids would be more engaged with the subject matter. He was challenged to find an author who could do all the research and writing, and an illustrator who could meld creativity with scientific sketches, but of course we know that the end result was a huge success. As a Magic School Bus enthusiast, I’m secretly very pleased to be in the same camp as Joanna Cole and all the other writers out there who’ve been gifted with this sort of incredible publishing opportunity.

I loved the design of this book—both the cover and interior—did you have a hand in that? If so, what can you tell us about that process?
Thank you! I’ve received so many kind comments about the art in this book! Alas, I don’t have that sort of talent. The art in The Stories Behind the Stories was all created by David Miles. He and his wife are also the founders of Bushel & Peck—an incredibly talented and busy power couple. David used a collage of images in the public domain, I believe, to create the artwork for each story.

Undoubtedly, there were facts/stories that you couldn’t work in—any spring to mind? How about authors that you’d wanted to cover, but because of time/space you had to cut? Any chance of a volume 2 to get those?
Oh man, it’s absolutely impossible to tell someone’s whole story in such a brief number of words. And also, in many cases, the story behind a book. The challenge, for me, was trying to keep all the stories fun. I knew children would be reading them—not just their parents. And that meant I had to leave out the gruesome details of Peter Pan’s history, and the somewhat boring (but really fascinating to English majors like myself) connection between The Golden Compass and Paradise Lost.

I did write a piece for The Hunger Games, but the quotes I used from Suzanne Collins were a bit dark. She talked about seeing Iraq war updates on the nightly news, interspersed with reality TV shows, and how unsettling it was when those two things fused together as entertainment. I thought that was really interesting, as well as her perspectives on “just-war theory,” but I have to say that after doing in-person readings with small children and seeing my book in elementary school libraries, I’m glad that story didn’t make the final cut.

I don’t know if there will be a volume 2 in the future, but I hope so!

What was the biggest surprise about the writing itself? Either, “I believe X is so easy” or “If I had known Y was going to be so hard, I’d have skipped this and watched more TV.”
I think the biggest surprise, for me, was finding that I could do it—on multiple levels. From the beginning, I knew this was a topic I wanted to write about, but I was also nervous. My baby was weeks old when Bushel & Peck sent the proposal. I didn’t know how I was going to write a book and take care of a newborn. I felt very much like I only had half a [mom] brain, and I was getting like two hours of consecutive sleep a night. Not exactly ideal conditions for being smart and creative.

But I also knew that if I didn’t say yes, I might be missing out on the biggest opportunity of my life. Book deals don’t just drop into people’s laps—believe me, I’ve been rejected by editors and agents many times. I’m so glad I said yes, though. I learned that I can write a lot of words in just a few months (provided they’re split into bite-sized chunks). I also learned that I can write, even under the most challenging circumstances. I feel like I’m stronger for that experience.

Given your subject, I have to ask: What’re your personal Desert Island Top 5 Children’s Books?

  • The Watsons Go to Birmingham – 1963 for sure; that book makes me laugh and cry every time, and the characters would make great company on a desert island!
  • The Mysteries of Harris Burdick because each page is so intriguing; I could spend the rest of my life coming up with stories for every illustration.
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire because it’s Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
  • The Adventures of Mrs. Pepperpot because it’s perfectly nostalgic for me.
  • Some kind of nonfiction survival book, because the thought of being on a desert island gives me anxiety haha!

What’s next for Danielle Higley, author?
I’ve recently been asked to be on the jury for the Lee Bennett Hopkins Poetry Award for Children. Because of that, I’ll be doing a ton of reading between now and the end of the year. Still, I’m hoping to write more when I can. I’m working on some children’s picture books right now, and also an adult novel that needs some serious love and attention.

Thanks for your time—and thanks for The Stories Behind the Stories!