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Something had to give…

Yeah, nothing for a couple of days here — just how I want to follow-up one of the best weeks I’ve had traffic/share/etc.-wise. I’ve got a couple of posts ready to go for Friday, and I’ve finished 5 books already this week, so it’s not like I’m hurting for material. Just hurting on time and energy.

There’s a good reason for this — and I’ll talk about it sometime. In the meantime, come back Friday.


I just removed 32 books from my “To Blog About” List. 32. Most of these were re-reads, and a good number of them were audiobooks. For the most part, with the audiobooks, I’ve written something on the text version and have nothing really to add other than a comment or two on the narration — and there are only so many ways I can say that George Guidall has really grown on me (and I can’t imagine anyone else doing the Walt Longmire books now), or Kobna Holdbrook-Smith is the perfect match for Peter Grant, or that Lorelei King and Luke Daniels just blew me away with their work.

Another example would be my re-read of The Rook by Daniel O’Malley — I took pages of notes on my re-read of that in preparation for the release of the sequel, Stiletto. Then my life got busy and not only did I not get around to taking those notes and making them into a longer-than-normal post, Stiletto sits on my shelf, unread. That’s driving me crazy.

There were a couple of non-re-reads on that shelf, too — but I never figured out how to take my one or two thoughts on the books and turn them into something interesting to read/write, and enough time has passed that I have to admit that it’s just not going to happen.

I still have too many books on that list, but I’ve gotta tell you, the (totally self-imposed) burden being lifted feels great.

Coming Attractions

I don’t have any books to post about today — as of this writing, I’ve got about 20 minutes of reading left in one book, am waiting on something from an author on another, and am in the middle of 2 short story collections, so I’m stuck for material for posts. But not for long! While I have a much longer TBR list — and another dozen or so books that I actually own, but haven’t gotten to — her’s what I’m calling my “Active TBR List” — those books that I intend on knocking out in the next month. I’ll probably get one or two others in, and not get to all of these right away, but this is my hope/plan. I’m curious — how far out do you guys plan? What’s on your list?

    and I’ve got these waiting in paperback or on my Kindle and I’m getting impatient with other things getting in my way:

  • The Song of The Swan by Michael RN Jones
  • Bannerless by Carrie Vaughn
  • Rubicon by Ian Patrick

I’m not sure I should’ve listed it like this — it’s both exciting and overwhelming.

Looking back at 2016 for Books and the Blog

As we kick off 2017, I wanted to take a glance back at 2016. 241 books read — I exceeded my goal (I don’t remember what it was at the beginning, but I revised it a couple of times and still beat it by 6), 444 posts (short of my goal by a couple hundred), I had some good gains in traffic — views and visitors (not as much as the previous couple of years, but that’s better than a loss). I’m also seeing good growth in followers here and on various social media fronts, which is encouraging as all get out.

So here’s my breakdown of books by genre, like the one I did last year. Mystery/Suspense took a hit this year percentage-wise, but not as much as I thought it did. SF and Fantasy jumped up to make up for that. it’s been forever since I’ve read a Western, I guess (at least one that wasn’t a hybrid with Urban Fantasy or SF or something). Theological books went down in actual numbers, not just percent — but I read some big, technical stuff this year that took a lot more time/energy to read, so I’m not too bothered by that. Still, for someone who doesn’t plan too thoroughly, the percentages stay remarkably the same from year to year — tastes (and series I follow) apparently stay the same.

Genre 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2012-16
Children’s 5 (2%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

5 (0%)
Fantasy 31 (13%) 17 (9%) 11 (7%) 15 (8%) 12 (6%) 86 (9%)
General Fiction/Literature 27 (11%) 17 (9%) 7 (4%) 30 (16%) 30 (14%) 111 (11%)
Horror 1 (.4%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%0 0 (0%) 1 (0%)
Humor 0 (0%) 1 (1%) 3 (2%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 4 (0%)
Mystery/Suspense 61 (25%) 64 (34%) 62 (37%) 63 (33%) 73 (35%) 323 (32%)
Non-Fiction 11 (5%) 8 (4%) 4 (2%) 2 (1%) 11 (5%) 36 (4%)
Science Fiction 37 (15%) 16 (8%) 17 (10%) 14 (7%) 11 (5%) 95 (9%)
Steampunk 2 (1%) 7 (4%) 3 (2%) 3 (2%) 11 (5%) 26 (3%)
Theology/Christian Living 33 (14%) 42 (22%) 42 (25%) 37 (19%) 10 (5%) 164 (16%)
Urban Fantasy 36 (15%) 19 (10%) 20 (12%) 26 (14%) 48 (23%) 149 (15%)
Western 0 (0%)

0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%) 1 (0%)

Backlog (writing and reading)

I’ve had a couple of weeks lately where I open up a file to write a review/review-like thing and nothing happens, there were 4 I tried to write this week that didn’t get done. This is extraordinarily frustrating.

Well, just to feel like I actually accomplished something today (other than finishing a pretty decent book), I just updated my Reviews in Progress page. I just added 23 books from this summer that I haven’t made/found time to write about.

The size of my TBR list is about the same. I’m tempted to make a similar page for it, but think I’ll hold off, as it fluctuates a bit.

Wow! I really, really, really need to get to work . . . Authors who are waiting, I promise I’m doing what I can.

Audiobooks and Other Programming Notes

Two days without a post about a book, which is pretty annoying — I’ve been working on a couple, but somehow I haven’t finished any since Tuesday. Sorry!

So my new job involves a lot of — I want to say mindless work, but that’s not true. Le’s just say that there’s a lot of work where you’re isolated and could use something to occupy part of your mind. So I’ve been listening to more audiobooks than normal. Many of which are books I’ve read before, so they’re sort of part of the Reread Project. But I’m working in a few new books, too. I need to get better a simply regurgitating what I’ve said before about these re-reads, I realize.

Let me just say, I’m really disappointed in the tastes of whoever it is in my library that borrows audiobooks. Based on the selection, there’s high demand for lousy books.

Come to think of it, looking at the shelves, that’s true of paper books, too — it’s just more obvious in the small sample size of audiobooks.

Anyway, when it comes to audiobooks, it’s impossible to just keep things to the writing itself, performance comes in to play, too. So I have to talk that some (and I’ve listened to a couple lately that have hurt the books, and a couple that have helped the books, one or two that made no difference). I want to keep the focus on writing, story, character — but part of the audiobook experience is the narrator(s). I may end up lumping a few write-ups into one post instead of several individual. Also, I’m going to try to keep the audiobook talk to Fridays (no reason, just wanted to pick a day).

So, that’s what’s going on with me — a little writer’s block, a whole bunch of good books, a new type of book showing up regularly, and me falling more and more behind on posts.

What are you reading lately?

Changes (no, not THAT Dresden Files book)

(there’s far less bloodshed here)

So, I started a new job today — which is exciting, and stressful, and good news and many other things. For the first time in almost a decade, I won’t be working the Graveyard Shift anymore — I get to sleep when it’s dark and be awake during the day like a Real Person™ (further proof that my life is not, alas, Urban Fantasy).

What does this mean for the blog? Hopefully, not much — after a period of adjustment. But last week’s minimal posting was due to me running around trying to get ready for this change, and I anticipate the same this week. Next week? I don’t know . . . time will tell.

Please bear with me, I’ve got a lot of balls in the air when it comes to this thing — a lot of plans and hopes, I’m not walking away, just making some adjustments.

February 2016 Report

So, here’s what happened here in February.

Books Read:

The Miracles of Jesus The Prince of Tides Guardians
4 Stars 2 1/2 Stars 3.5 Stars
Confessions of a Clumsy Christian: Unqualified The Highly Capable The Batgirl of Burnside
2 Stars 3.5 Stars 3.5 Stars
The Relic Master Thing Explainer</a The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
4 Stars 4 1/2 Stars
Glory Veiled & Unveiled Some Assembly Required Talking to the Dead
3.5 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars
No Problem, Mr. Walt Freedom's Child Steal the Sky
3.5 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars
The Story of Lucius Cane        
3 Stars        

Still Reading:

Reformed Dogmatics, Volume 1 Morning Star    

Reviews Posted:

How was your month?

January 2016 Report

(I need to think of a catchier name for these posts…)

So, here’s what happened here in January.

Books Read:

Indexing: Reflections The Book of Unknown American Sex & Violence in the Bible
3.5 Stars 3.5 Stars 3 Stars
The Next to Last Word The Odd Fellows Society Hidden
3.5 Stars 3 Stars 3.5 Stars
In Defense of the Moth The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy The Sabbath
3 Stars 6 3 Stars
Songs of a Suffering King Sing a New Song Winter
3 Stars 4 Stars 4 1/2 Stars
The Storms of Deliverance Lessons from Tara Three Slices
3.5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars
Staked The Intern Missing Mona
4 1/2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars

Still Reading:

Reformed Dogmatics, Volume 1 The Miracles of Jesus

Reviews Posted:

How was your month?

Thanks for a Great 2014

So, that’s 2014, eh? 169 books read (short of my goal by 21), 211 posts (short of my goal by a couple hundred), almost triple the traffic over last year.

I did a quick breakdown of how my reading broke down by genre over the last few years. There were a few anomalies this year (what’s up with my Urban Fantasy and General Fiction numbers?) which makes it interesting for me, anyway — don’t know about the rest of you.

Genre 2014 2013 2012 2012-2014
Fantasy 11 (7%) 15 (8%) 12 (6%) 38 (7%)
General Fiction/Literature 7 (4%) 30 (16%) 30 (14%) 67 (12%)
Humor 3 (2%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 3 (1%)
Mystery/Suspense 62 (37%) 63 (33%) 73 (35%) 198 (35%)
Non-Fiction 4 (2%) 2 (1%) 11 (5%) 17 (3%)
Science Fiction 17 (10%) 14 (7%) 11 (5%) 42 (7%)
Steampunk 3 (2%) 3 (2%) 11 (5%) 17 (3%)
Theology/Christian Living 42 (25%) 37 (19%) 10 (5%) 89 (16%)
Urban Fantasy 20 (12%) 26 (14%) 48 (23%) 94 (17%)
Western 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%) 1 (0%)

Hopefully everything will be higher next year — books, posts, and traffic. We’ll see — I’m doing the Goodreads Challenge again (same goal as the last 2 years, 190) and I think I’m going to try to work in The Book Riot 2015 Read Harder Challenge
. I might throw in a couple other “projects” that I’ve been thinking about.

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