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My Favorite Crime/Mystery/Detective/Thriller Fiction of 2023

2023 Favorite Crime Fiction
Finally, we’re at the end of my 2023 wrap-up. Thanks for sticking with me for so long! (assuming you have). I read 90 books I put in the category of “Mystery/Detective Fiction/Crime Fiction/Thriller” last year (and there are a couple of multi-genre novels that could beef that number up a bit), 30% of my reading last year. So I have to consider it apart from everything else when I put together my Favorites Lists, or just about everything else would get ignored. Even if I went with a Top 20 instead of a Favorite 10, maybe 2-3 books from the previous lists would’ve made it along with all of these.

I couldn’t whittle this list down further than 12. But since a couple of my lists last week were under 10, I figure that I’ve got a slot or two to spare. Once again, I’ll note that I limit my lists to things I read for the first time. Yes, there are some names on here that have been on a couple of these lately. And it wouldn’t surprise me to see some of these new names show up from time to time in the years to come.

(in alphabetical order by author)

The Last DanceThe Last Dance

by Mark Billingham

I really wish I had a post up about this book to pilfer from here. Detective Miller comes back to work after the murder of his wife to investigate a pair of murders. There’s no clear—rather, easily discoverable—connection between the two deaths other than proximity and coincidence. Neither explanation is good enough for the police. Miller has to adjust to a new partner, who really doesn’t understand (or appreciate) his eccentricities, his sense of humor, or undisguised antagonism toward their boss. The only thing more appealing to the twisty, multi-layered, mystery in this novel is Miller himself. His sense of humor, his questionable grasp of reality, and his unconventional approach to this (and presumably other) investigations are going to win several fans. This is the first Billingham novel I’ve read (after years of meaning to try), it will not be the last.

4 1/2 Stars

The Bitter PastThe Bitter Past

by Bruce Borgos

My original post
A great mix of Cold War espionage and modern-day Police Procedural, with a Western twist. Borgos assembled a cast of characters that leap off the page, I felt like I’d been reading about Porter Beck and his deputies for years within just a chapter or two. There’s blood, intrigue, nuclear fall-out, wit, humor, a grisly opening, and a dramatic conclusion—and a whole lot of other stuff along the way. I don’t know if Borgos can do something just like this novel book again, but as long as Porter Beck and his team are around for whatever’s next, I want to see it.

4 1/2 Stars

All the Sinners BleedAll the Sinners Bleed

by S. A. Cosby

My original post
As the first black Sheriff of Charon County, Virginia, Titus Crown has a lot on his plate. He has to watch his every step to keep the political and social leaders of the small community from removing him from office while holding off demands from the local social activists to turn the tables on behalf of the over-policed minorities and give the white community a taste of that treatment. It’s not going well for him—one horrible day finds Titus investigating a terrible crime and uncovering something that nightmares are made of—serial killers working undetected in Charon County for years. Can Titus stop the killing while keeping Charon County from tearing itself apart?

Sparse, but rich, prose that further disproves the notion that genre can’t be the home of good writing. Cosby tackles hard issues—but really doesn’t try to solve them—he merely puts them on display for readers to acknowledge and wrestle with. It’s also just a cracking thriller that could be read as shallowly as you want and would keep you white-knuckled and racing to the final confrontation. Cosby’s one of the best in action now, and this solidifies that reputation.

5 Stars

Ozark DogsOzark Dogs

by Eli Cranor

My original post
Like the above, this can be read as a white-knuckle thriller, but it’s more. This is a revenge story, with almost no one involved really understanding what the instigating event really was or meant (this doesn’t stop anyone seeking vengeance, naturally). This is a book about consequences, the sins of the past being visited on the present, and about the price of devotion (to a person, idea, etc.). It’ll knock you out.

5 Stars


by M.W. Craven

My original post
Craven’s new series, featuring a U.S. Marshall who is incapable of feeling fear, is off to a dynamite start. This book just worked on every level—Koenig is a fertile character, well-designed to carry a series for quite a while. His assets are perfect for a Reacher/Peter Ash-type character. His flaws keep him from being invincible, and provide plenty of ways for him to be his own greatest adversary. His quirks (e.g., fixation on chocolate milkshakes, absorption of odd bits of trivia) round him out nicely. The reason he’s off the grid is better than being a Luddite/technophobe. Can he grow—and can the reader grow in their understanding of him? Sure. He can also believably regress and find develop new hindrances and weaknesses to work through or overcome. The action scenes were almost impossibly good.

5 Stars

Magpie MurdersMagpie Murders

by Anthony Horowitz, narrated by Samantha Bond, Allan Corduner

The death of a hugely best-selling author sends his editor on a hunt for the missing final pages to his final book. Alternatively, if she can figure out who the killer in the book was, they can at least salvage the book. But while she’s at it, she starts to think the author was murdered and maybe she can figure that out, too. A fictional murder and a real life one, that’s a pretty big task for an amatuer sleuth. What a fantastic book! The concept was great, the hook was gripping, the execution was dynamite, the narration was spot-on, the….the…ugh. I’m just listing superlatives at this point. Which is pretty much why I haven’t finished my post about it (despite starting 11 months ago)—words fail me. Just loved this.

5 Stars

Blackwater FallsBlackwater Falls

by Ausma Zehanat Khan

My original post
A probable racially and religiously motivated murder threatens to push heightened tensions over the edge between immigrant communities and local law enforcement. Enter the Community Response Unit—to hold the police accountable (if necessary), diffuse the situation (if at all possible), and get the answers everyone wants. Khan balances the social, personal, and investigative aspects of this novel with the skill of a seasoned professional. This is a great procedural in the way it embraces the defining traits and pushes them in new ways, it’s a great character study, a good commentary on several issues facing the country—and it’s a pretty solid mystery, too (can’t forget that).

4 1/2 Stars

The Last Devil to DieThe Last Devil to Die

by Richard Osman

My original post
Anyone who’s read me over the last couple of years had to expect that Osman would show up in this list—and here he is. The latest in the Thursday Murder Club series demonstrates all of the strengths of the previous novels at the same time—the humor, the heart, the cleverness of the characters, a twisty investigation, and humanity at its worst and best.

5 Stars

Mrs. Plansky's RevengeMrs. Plansky’s Revenge

by Spencer Quinn

My original post
I’m a huge fan of Quinn’s long-running series, but every time he steps away for a stand-alone, I find myself increasingly impressed with him. This is an implausible, but great story about an elderly woman who is duped by a Bail Scam, losing almost everything. But she has enough money—and more than enough nerve and moxie to fly to Romania to try and find the scammers and get her money back. It’s a revenge fantasy that many people will have had, taken on by a relatable character that you can’t help but root for. There’s plenty of heart to go around, and it’ll just leave you feeling good (as long as you don’t put it down while she’s being ripped off).

4 1/2 Stars

Scratching the FlintScratching the Flint

by Vern Smith

My original post
This is a gritty novel exploring the “the lowest common denominators of policing.” Our protagonists are detectives who seem intent on making their cases, on making arrests. But when push comes to shove, I’m not entirely convinced it’s about enforcing the law all the time with them—it’s getting a win, coming out on top over some of them. Taking place in early 2001, this book evokes the feel of the time—the sentiments toward reform in policing as well as in the treatment of women and minorities are clearly of their time (they’re also pretty relevant today, but we’d discuss them a little differently). This is a visceral, powerhouse read that will stay with you.

4 1/2 Stars

Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for MurderersVera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers

by Jesse Q. Sutanto

My original post
I need to think about this book a little to wash away the feeling of revisiting the last one off of me. There’s just so much to commend about this book—and so little to quibble with—that I still get excited about it months later. Vera Wong, the proprietor of a little-visited tea shop finds a dead man on her floor one day. Desperate for a change of pace, she decides that she’ll “help” the police with their investigation—eventually starting her own. How hard can it be? She’s watched plenty of procedurals, is smart, and (unlike Sherlock Holmes) is a suspicious Chinese mother. The murderer doesn’t stand a chance.

But then she turns her lead suspects into a found family of sorts. You don’t want any of these suspects to be guilty because the victim was a horrible guy and you want the suspects to become your new best friends. There’s a lot of sunshine and rainbows throughout this book, offsetting the murder, other crimes, loneliness, and despair. The murder mystery at the core of the novel is clever enough and worth the time—but this found family and the growth prompted in each member of it (including Vera) is what will make you a fan of it.

4 1/2 Stars

The Winter of Frankie MachineThe Winter of Frankie Machine

by Don Winslow

This is typical Winslow—stylish, winning, clever, and frequently violent. Frankie Machine is a retired hitman who finds himself as the target for a new generation of hitmen over something that happened years before. Frankie Machianno has to put his businesses on hold and return to his old life to keep his family safe—and to keep himself alive—while finding out exactly why someone wants him dead and convincing them (using whatever necessary means) to leave them all alone once and for all. It’s such a strong, fast-moving, ride that the pages melt away while you read.

4 1/2 Stars

My Favorite Theology/Christian Living Books of 2023

My Favorite Theology/Christian Living Books of 2023
It probably says something about me that 40% of this list was written pre-20th Century (I have some friends who’d opine that it says I read too many contemporary authors). My reading plans for 2024 (as sketchy as they are at the moment), suggest I could be looking at a similar number next year. I actually hope so—this was good for me.

As always, re-reads don’t count for these lists.

(in alphabetical order by author)

The Nicene Creed: An IntroductionThe Nicene Creed: An Introduction

by Phillip Cary

My original post
This is a fantastic introduction to the Nicene Creed and/or some of the doctrines taught by it (technically, the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, but who calls it that outside of technical discussions?). In many cases, it’ll be a review of ideas—but even in those cases, Cary will likely shed a different light on it, or make you think about the idea in a way you’re not used to. This can be a quick and breezy read, but it’s a mistake to let Cary’s simple and straightforward text let you read quickly—because there’s a lot to think about and reflect on here. Even if—especially if, actually—you recite the Creed on a regular or frequent basis every Lord’s Day. This is a great way to stop and meditate on these essential truths of the Christian faith.

4 1/2 Stars

The Existence and Attributes of GodThe Existence and Attributes of God: Updated and Unabridged

by Stephen Charnock, edited by Mark Jones

An original post (another is forthcoming)
This isn’t a definitive, exhaustive work on God’s attributes (or existence)—it cannot be (and would be blasphemous to suggest otherwise). But when you’re in the middle of a chapter, it’d be easy to think it is. Not just because of the depth Charnock goes into on each topic, but the angles he approaches it from. In the middle of the Discourse on God’s Knowledge, I was astounded, for example, by how many different ways he found to talk about it. It’s easy to see why this work has stood the test of time and can’t imagine anything in the 21st Century topping it (maybe someone will get their act together in the 22nd).

5 Stars

Who Chose the Gospels?Who Chose the Gospels?: Probing the Great Gospel Conspiracy

by C. E. Hill

My original post
An alternate title for the book could be, how do you solve a problem like Iraneaus? Or, more to the point, how do you ignore his (early date) recognition of only 4 gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—despite what we’re told about the state of gospel availability and canonization by so many today. Hill examines some of the time frames, uses, content, and provenance of some of the so-called competitor gospels (i.e., those that never were considered canonical) to compare them to both the canonical gospels and those early figures of the Church we see discussing the gospels. But primarily, Hill is concerned with the use of and testimony regarding the canonical gospels—and the evidence regarding their use by the Church and when it started. What’s more, he discusses (and educates) these ideas while being entertaining (never sacrificing educating for entertaining). Hill is careful and thorough, acknowledging challenges to his position about the emergence of the fourfold Gospel to the place it holds today. But he’s consistent in showing how those challenges don’t have the weight and merit that so many in our culture assume they do.

5 Stars

On the Apostolic PreachingOn the Apostolic Preaching

by Irenaeus of Lyons , John Behr (Translator)

My original post
This is exactly what I want to see out of a 2nd Century writer—because it’s the kind of thing I appreciate in a 21st Century Writer. It’s reassuring to see that the central idea of what Apostolic Preaching ought to be is pretty much the same for both eras—yeah, some of what Irenaeus wrote could use some fine-tuning (and he’d likely say the same of what shows up in one of the Essential Studies in Biblical Theology volumes I’ve discussed). But their modus operandi are so similar, that it’s clear that they’re walking in the same direction. This is a a quick, approachable read—as relatable today as it had to have been centuries ago (although I guess it’d be safe to say that many of his readers might not be ready to hear what he said in the same way I was). I was very encouraged by this and wish I’d read it years ago so I could be on my fifth or sixth reading now.

5 Stars

The Beginning and End of All ThingsThe Beginning and End of All Things: A Biblical Theology of Creation and New Creation

by Edward W. Klink III

My original post
Klink starts by saying that a doctrine of creation needs to be about more than what happened in Genesis 1-2, piquing my interest and getting me on his side immediately. His point is that the doctrine needs to concern itself with why God made the Earth—what was His purpose in creating, what’s His goal for the creation, and so on. It’s about the goodness of the creation and how we are to enjoy and preserve it. It’s ultimately about the new creation, what is going to happen on that Last Day when creation is renewed, restored, and recreated. This is a refreshing, warm, and pastoral look at a doctrine we too often limit to a narrow question, missing the big picture.

4 Stars

Flood and FuryFlood and Fury: Old Testament Violence and the Shalom of God

by Matthew J. Lynch

I read this book back in March, and have yet to write a post about it because I’m still wrestling with some of Lynch’s positions and arguments. The biggest area that I was working through and on was his treatment of the relation of the Flood to the Covenant in the Garden and the Noahaic covenant to that covenant as well. The next book on this list helped me tremendously (mostly to Lynch’s detriment). But that’s not to say that I didn’t get anything from that portion of the book, it just made me think a lot—so much that I couldn’t write anything about the book as a whole. The portions of the book on Divine Violence in general (how to think of it, how not to think of it or avoid the idea, either) and about the conquest of Canaan are strong and very helpful.

4 Stars

God to UsGod to Us: Covenant Theology in Scripture

by Stephen G. Myers

My original post
I’ve read more books on Covenant Theology than I can easily count, and if this isn’t the best, it’s so close to it as not to matter. Myers gives his readers a thorough introduction to Covenant Theology as it came to the Protestant Church from the Reformation—particularly the English Reformation and the explanation offered by the Westminster divines and their contemporaries. His introduction is readable, clear, and helpful to the layman willing to put in a little work—but he’s not just repeating what the previous generations gave us, he’s looking at contemporary theology and insights as well.

That our Lord would condescend to His people in covenant is mind-blowingly gracious in the first place—that He does so to rebels in order that he could win them to Himself? That should drive us to worship. And the more we understand the gracious and remarkable nature of these covenants, the more we should be driven to it. Myers brings his readers to this point repeatedly—sometimes just by explaining something clearly—sometimes by applying his explanation to the reader to help us understand how it should make us reflect in worship.

5 Stars

The Holy Spirit: An IntroductionThe Holy Spirit: An Introduction

by Fred Sanders

My original post
A very capable, useful, and timely introduction to Pneumatology. Sanders doesn’t allow himself to get drawn into the flashy and controversial aspects of the doctrine of the Spirit (not that he shies away, either)—he sticks to the basics and essentials (and a good understanding of those will eliminate the need to discuss some of the controversial areas). Sanders’s tone is certainly engaging—he never loses sight of the importance of what he’s talking about, and the necessary reverence. But he’s okay with being chatty and a little witty with the reader. He’s able to break down some complicated and technical points in a way that the reader can find them understandable and compelling. It’s just so helpful, and so good, that I can’t help but recommend this one.

4 1/2 Stars

The Shadow of Christ in the Book of LamentationsThe Shadow of Christ in the Book of Lamentations: A Guide to Grieving with Faith

by C.J. Williams

My original post
I didn’t expect this to come up as an option for this year’s list, I thought I read this a year or two ago, not 11 months ago. But I was glad to look over my notes and post about it again for this post. This is a very accessible and thorough—without trying to be exhausting—look at the book of Lamentations and how it reveals Christ to the reader for his assurance and comfort in trial.

4 Stars

I Will Build My ChurchI Will Build My Church: Selected Writings on Church Polity, Baptism, and the Sabbath

by Thomas Witherow, Edited by Jonathan Gibson

My original post
Yes, this is kind of a cheat—because I have read one of the three works (plus a lengthy biographical essay) in this collection. But it’s a self-imposed rule, so I’m not going to be that precious about it (this once). Also, reading it in the midst of all this other material gave The Apostolic Church: Which Is It? a different vibe (for lack of a better term). It’s not just a defense of Presbyterian Church Polity, but it’s part of an apologetic for Presbyterian Distinctives as a whole.

And that’s what Winslow’s mission was—to present Presbyterianism as not just another flavor for Irish Protestants to pick, but one that has a message, a conviction about their distinctives, and Biblical reasoning—not just whim or tradition—behind them. Sure, some of it will feel dated to contemporary readers. And it should—but that doesn’t make any of it bad. Nor does it disprove any of Winslow’s arguments (in fact, some of our contemporary situations would lead the reader to say, “he was right, if we do X, Y will follow.”)

5 Stars

My Favorite Non-Crime Fiction of 2023

2023 Favorite Non-Crime
Back when I started this site, I knew the content would be largely “genre”-oriented. I’d have wagered the content would be roughly 1/3 Mystery/Detective fiction, 1/3 Urban Fantasy, and slightly less than 1/3 SFF, with “non-genre” fiction, humor, and non-fiction being enough to make my one-thirds just an approximation (honestly, if you asked me what I read regularly, that’s pretty much how I’d describe it today). Actual numbers show that’s wrong—it’s typically almost 40% Crime/Thriller Fiction, the rest of fiction is around 30% combined. This is just a long-winded way to get to these two points: because Crime Fiction takes such a big chunk of my reading, it gets its own “Favorite” list, but none of the others really garner enough numbers for their own.

When it comes to this particular list of favorites this year, it was harder than I expected. I got it down to 17 with relatively no problem. But trimming those last 7 was difficult. I waffled a bit—and considered a top 15, but I talked myself out of it and have a list of 10 favorite non-Crime Fiction Novels of 2023 that I really like. Hopefully, you will, too.

As always, re-reads don’t count—only the works that were new to me.

(in alphabetical order by author)

Chain-Gang All-StarsChain-Gang All-Stars

by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah

My original post
If there’s a book I’ve recommended more frequently this year, I can’t think of it. I’ve also bought more copies of it to give away than any other. At the core, this is a satire and critique of the American culture–particularly as it relates to sports, mass entertainment, and (most importantly) the carceral system. Pitting convicted felons against each other in gladiatorial fights-to-death, selling merch featuring them, turning them into Reality TV personalities between bouts…Adjei-Brenyah holds up the worst of the US to look at.

It’s a book about death—violent death at the hands of violent people who only hope to go on so they can kill again—However, in a serious way the book is really about life. It’s a celebration of life, a call to protect it, a call to see it for what it is. It’s a reminder that “where life is precious, life is precious.” It’s impossible to read this without being moved–perhaps to action. But it’s also a visceral and exciting read that can entertain you without forcing you to think deeply about what it wants you to.

(I don’t know why I knocked it 1/2 a star at the time…I can’t think of a reason for it now, but…)

4 1/2 Stars

Partial FunctionPartial Function

by JCM Berne

My original post
This has none of the socially redeeming characteristics of the above book. But it does have wuxia-inspired magical martial arts, super-powered dinosaur-like monsters, a John Wick/Bryan Mills character if played by Michelle Yeoh, and snappy dialogue. It’s a story about a retired warrior who gets back to work so she can rescue her kidnapped daughters and the wake of destruction that follows (a mighty wake it is, too). And it’s just fun from beginning to end.

5 Stars

The Perception Of DollsThe Perception Of Dolls

by Anthony Croix, Edited by Russell Day

My original post
I did an inadequate job of describing this book and what I was blown away by in 15 paragraphs. There’s no way I’m going to manage it in the 1-2 paragraphs I give myself for this.
I’m dazzled by this book. I was hooked to an extent I’m not used to. I was captivated. I was (at least momentarily) obsessed with it. That’s worn off in the 50 weeks it’s been since I’ve finished, but it would take me no more than 5 pages of a re-read to get back to that. This is a recounting of one investigative reporter’s look into a triple homicide and attempted suicide in a home, the paranormal research that occurred in that home decades later, and the very strange (to put it mildly) things that happened to everyone involved in both of those things.

Russell Day takes you on a ride that you will find difficult to articulate (which is fine, he does a fine job of it on his own) and that will linger in the back of your mind for a long time.

5 Stars

The Hero InterviewsThe Hero Interviews

by Andi Ewington

My original post
The child and sibling of heroic adventurers, Elburn Barr, has taken a different path in life—one fit for someone with his particular set of skills (or lack thereof). He is a Loremaster—no spells, weapons, or danger for him, thank you very much. At this point in his life/career, Elburn has set out to understand what makes a hero tick—what is it that drives them, what early influences molded them, how do they keep going on? Does it vary from type to type? Are Barbarians made of different stuff from a Cleric or a Thief? What about a Ranger or a Wizard? In addition to interviewing various leading examples of each type of hero, he talks to non-heroes, too. Like a farmer whose farm was saved(?) by some heroes from a dragon, the curator of a hero museum, people who run/design dungeons, etc.

This is a novel trying to look like a series of comic episodes/scenes/lines. It takes a while to see the plotlines emerge—it really does seem to be a light-hearted look at D&D clichés, stereotypes, tropes, etc. at the beginning—but eventually, you start to see the story arcs emerging and even start to see the protagonist grow and develop. That’s something I didn’t expect to see when I started reading this because I did think it was just a series of comedic bits. It’s hard to tell if Ewington is more interested in telling a story or making his jokes—in the end he gives you enough of both that the question is academic.

4 Stars

Not PreparedNot Prepared

by Matthew Hanover

My original post
Hanover’s fourth novel is the first to have a protagonist outside of their 20s, and the added maturity pays off. While this book is at heart a Rom-Com, the romantic story takes a backseat to the love story between the girl who needs a family and a bachelor who didn’t expect one. There’s still plenty of “rom”, and a good amount of “com” of a handful of stripes (particularly when it comes to a single man being thrust into dealing with a young girl at the cusp of puberty)—but there’s a lot more, too. Told with Hanover’s trademark wit, charm, and grace—prose that moves so smoothly you don’t realize how long you’ve spent sucked into his book. The emotions are real and grounded—both positively and negatively. His depictions of anxiety really impressed me, and there are scenes that got me choked up.

4 1/2 Stars

An Inheritance of MagicAn Inheritance of Magic

by Benedict Jacka

My original post
Any fears anyone had about Jacka’s post-Alex Verus career should have been assuaged by this book. It’s an introduction to a new kind of magic, a new kind of magic society, and a protagonist who is so different from Verus that you wouldn’t guess that Jacka wrote it if you didn’t have his name all over the place. This is kind of the reverse of the Hanover book—Jacka moves on from a mature character who knows his place in the world to one who is immature, unsure of his own abilities, and a complete beginner to the magical society of England (and, presumably, the rest of the world). And Jacka nails all of it. I couldn’t believe how easily I took to this world and I anticipate getting more immersed in it.

4 1/2 Stars

Mrs. Covington'sMrs. Covington’s

by K.R.R. Lockhaven

My original post
The thing with Cozy Fantasy is that the plot comes second (if not tertiary) to things like character and atmosphere. Mrs. Covington’s shines here–it’s such a pleasant, comfy atmosphere that it trumps everything else. A treasure hunt with the staff of the friendliest bar this side of Cheers! might be the plot of this cozy fantasy novel. But the book’s core is kindness, community, optimism, and helping. Also, Nachos. Brought to you in a great fantasy world with a light and engaging voice, Mrs. Covington’s will leave you snug and content.

4 Stars

On the Savage SideOn the Savage Side

by Tiffany McDaniel

My original post
This was just a brutal read. Every time you get a glimmer of hope, a glimmer of a feeling that things might be okay for some of these characters—something snuffs it out. But there’s another source right around the corner. But there’s beauty in the darkness. And a drive to keep persevering shared by the reader and the characters. I wondered more than once why some of them kept trying—but they did. There’s a serial killer on the loose, and a good deal of the plot is about that. But this isn’t about the hunt for the killer or anything like that. It’s a novel about the women who may be his target and their fears about it. It’s also about the rest of their lives—how they got to the point where the killer might be hunting them and what might happen if they get out of there.

Like always, Tiffany McDaniels delivered a book that’s going to stay in my subconscious for a while—lurking there, making me rethink what I read from time to time. It’ll probably stay there until her next novel comes along (Betty‘s been there for a couple of years, and really only was dislodged by this one—and The Summer that Melted Everything is still there all these years later). It’s somber, it’s sober, and it’s difficult to read. But it’s so worth it in ways I cannot adequately explain. It’ll make you think. It’ll make you feel.

4 1/2 Stars

According to MarkAccording to Mark

by H. B. O’Neill
Unlike the first 8 books on this list, I haven’t written anything about this until now. The pitch I was given about the book was, “It’s about a love affair gone wrong and a guy who’s obsessed with Mark Twain who becomes a voice in his head that eventually leads to Twain pushing the fella towards suicide.” I don’t know if this makes it sound appealing to you or not. So let me say this: If Chain-Gang All-Stars is the book I’ve recommended most this year, then According to Mark is in 3rd or 4th place. Given that I read it at the end of November, that tells you how much I’ve been talking about it lately. It’s comic. It’s dark. It’s disturbing (on more levels and in more ways than I can describe). There’s a fantastic and real love story in the center of it. It’s heartbreakingly sad. If you’ve read anything like this before now, I’d be surprised (and I want to know what it is!), but you’re going to want to read this when it’s published soon.

There’s more I should say, but I’m going to do it in a longer format.

5 Stars

Guards! Guards!Guards! Guards!

by Terry Pratchett
I spent some time earlier this fall asking for recommendations to get me to give Discworld another shot—and overwhelmingly, this book was recommended to me. Everyone who did that was utterly correct. It’s one of the best mixes of story and comedy that I can recall reading and I can see after a re-read or two (which it’ll almost certainly get from me) that at least one book in this series within the Discworld series is going to end up in my pantheon of comedic greats. I’m working hard to ensure I get to the rest of these in 2024 because now that I understand what I was missing with Pratchett, I don’t want to miss out any longer.

4 1/2 Stars

My Favorite Non-Fiction Books of 2023

Favorite Non-Fiction 2022
My 2023 Wrap up continues and now we’re on to the Non-Fiction list. While I liked a number of works that didn’t make this list, I felt strange calling them a “favorite.” So, we have 7 instead of the nigh-obligatory 10. These are the ones that stuck with me through the year; the ones I cited in conversation; that I thought about when reading something else or watching something on TV. Yeah, there’s some overlap between this list and the audiobook list from yesterday—lately, most Non-Fiction books I work through are in audiobook format. So it makes sense, even if it makes this post seem like an echo.

As always, I only put books that I’ve read for the first time on this list. I don’t typically return to NF books (outside of looking up things for one or three points), but occasionally I do—for example, The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction by Alan Jacobs would get a permanent spot on this list, were it not for this rule.

(in alphabetical order by author)

Cunk on EverythingCunk on Everything: The Encyclopedia Philomena

by Philomena Cunk

My original post
If you’ve ever watched a video clip or a full episode of Philomna Cunk’s various shows/specials, you know just what you’re going to get in this Encyclopedia. If you don’t, finish reading this post and then go find some. Probably pound-for-pound the funniest thing I read this year. Utterly useless outside of that—in case that wasn’t clear. Whether you go from cover to cover, or dip into it here and there (probably for longer than you intend to)—these brief entries are almost certainly going to be a burst of entertainment for you. Not all of them are going to work for every reader—but never fear, just turn the page and you’re probably going to come across one that will.

4 Stars

Like, Literally, DudeLike, Literally, Dude: Arguing for the Good in Bad English

by Valerie Fridland, Narrated by Valerie Fridland, Joniece Abbott-Pratt, Keylor Leigh, Andrew Eiden, Christopher Ryan Grant, Ellen Archer, Eileen Stevens and Nicky Endres

I’m a sucker for entertaining books about language, grammar, etc. Fridland’s apologetic for “Bad” English drives my inner prescriptivist, up the wall—but she joins the growing number of writers who are sealing up that prescriptivit’s coffin. How good is this book? Her chapter (or maybe it was a section of a chapter) on “Um” and “Uh” was fascinating. If she can pull that rabbit out of a hat, imagine how good she can be when she talks about the use/overuse of “like,” the history of “Dude,” or the figurative use of “literally”—and so much more. I spent most of the time listening to this book just geeking out in a way that made me regret not becoming a sociolinguist myself.

4 Stars

Kneading JournalismKneading Journalism: Essays on baking bread and breaking down the news

by Tony Ganzer

My original post
There’s just so much to commend about this book that this little paragraph isn’t going to come close to hitting it all. Partial memoir, small bread-recipe book, and some great insights into the state of journalism and what it means for our society. This is a great read—challenging, but in a friendly, welcoming way. Thoughtful and thought-provoking without being combative or overly critical. Ganzer has a point of view—and makes no claim about lack of bias here—but isn’t pushing a partisan outlook, just a pro-responsible press outlook. Brief, but not insubstantial.

4 Stars

Nasty, Brutish, and ShortNasty, Brutish, and Short: Adventures in Philosophy with My Kids

by Scott Hershovitz

My original post
This was a great listen—Hershovitz is the kind of lecturer you want to pay attention to (or so imagine based on this). This book succeeded on multiple fronts: it was frequently amusing, if not downright funny; it was educational; it was insightful (even when I disagreed with what he did with the insights); it was thoughtful; it offered (largely by example, not being didactic) good parental advice; and kept this particular listener fully engaged throughout. Just what you want from an audiobook.

3.5 Stars

100 Places to See After You Die100 Places to See After You Die: A Travel Guide to the Afterlife

by Ken Jennings

My original post
A fun and informative traveler’s guide through afterlives depicted in Mythology, Religion, Books, Movies, Music and Theater, and from a few other sources. Jennings brushes against irreverancy, but (I think, I’m open to correction) stays on the respectful side. I absolutely had a blast with this—and learned quite a bit, too. It’s one that I’ll return to primarily as a reference, but I will appreciate the perspective and humor as I check my facts. The only problem I have with it is the lack of footnotes/endnotes—I want some source material!

4 1/2 Stars

Sundry Notes of MusicSundry Notes of Music: an Almost Memoir

by Ian Shane

My original post
Given how much I like Shane’s novels, it’s probably to be expected that I enjoyed getting some insight into the novelist. And as most of his novels are centered around music/people obsessed with music, it’s fitting that this memoir focuses on songs. There are parts of this book that are very funny—some bittersweet, some tragic, some simply thoughtful. Multiple essays will hit all of those points and more. They’re all engaging in various ways. Not one track on this playlist is going to leave you looking for the skip button.

4 Stars

The Worst We Can FindThe Worst We Can Find: MST3K, RiffTrax, and the History of Heckling at the Movies

by Dale Sherman

My original post
Sherman is a man who knows about riffing on movies and helps the readers get a better knowledge of it, too. Yes, the focus is on Mystery Science Theater 3000‘s original run (runs?), but he talks about the show’s predecessors and the various projects that have sprung from it, too. Even if you know a lot about the show, its performers, etc., you’re probably going to learn something. And if you don’t? You’re going to enjoy the dashes of perspective that Sherman gives about movies in general and MST3K specifically. Everyone who did what they could to keep circulating the tapes in the 90s is going to eat this book up. Fans of more recent vintage likely will, too.

4 Stars

My Favorite Audiobooks of 2023

My Favorite Audiobooks of 2023
How do I keep this from being just a rehash of my other year-end lists? By focusing on the audiobook experience over the content. What was it like to listen to it? How engaging was it, how did the narrator do? Was it a good match in terms of tone, content, and performance? All of these books are/were good—but the audiobooks are a bit better because of the narrator and the rest of the people involved in the production.

I’m very annoyed at how few of these I wrote about (if only because it means I had to think more about this post than I wanted to).

(in alphabetical order by author)

The Book That No One Wanted to ReadThe Book That No One Wanted to Read

by Richard Ayoade
Narrated by Richard Ayoade, Jarvis Cocker, Lydia Fox

My original post The narration was great—Ayoade and Cocker were fantastic, Fox was probably as good, but didn’t get the best lines, so her work doesn’t stand out as much in my memory (although my original post suggests I forgot something great). This is one of those multi-narrator audiobooks where all the narrators are equally good—capturing the spirit and tone of the text and bringing it to life. This is a sweet little story “written by a book” about a lonely book in a large library. It’s goofy and strange, the humor is occasionally dry, it’s imaginative, it’s affirming and encouraging, it wraps you in a blanket of fun and makes you feel good.

4 1/2 Stars

Bookshops & BonedustBookshops & Bonedust

by Travis Baldree

Of course, audiobook narrator-turned-author Baldree puts together a really strong audiobook. How could he do anything else? This is a sweet and (mostly) cozy little read taking place many years before Baldree’s breakout Legends & Lattes and sets the stage for Viv’s choices when she decides to retire from the mercenary biz. Here at the beginning of her career, she’s laid up for a few months in a small little town where she makes some friends, learns a lot, discovers that she can appreciate reading (when given the right book), and faces of against a deadly foe. It’s a very pleasant experience that will leave you wanting more like it.

4 Stars

Give the People What They Want and Other Stories of Sharp Wit, Cunning Women, and Wild Magic

by Alex Bledsoe, Narrated by: Stefan Rudnicki, with Alex Bledsoe and Gabrielle de Cuir

This collection of short stories and a novella is just a great time. You start with short pieces in two of my favorite series, an interesting sample of another series, a couple of other things, and then a Zombie story that I really got into (no, really). Rudnicki did his usual bang-up job, de Cuir didn’t get enough to do (but was good with what little she had) and it’s always nice to hear from the author. I don’t know if it’ll work for people who aren’t fans of a series by Bledsoe, but it just might convince the listener to try one or two of them (and I’d heartily encourage that, too).

4 Stars

Brokedown ProphetsBrokedown Prophets

by S.A. Cosby and a full cast too long to list here

Cosby is a name you should expect to see again before I finish with this look back at ’23 (and likely at least once more this year). The performances that bring the Audible Original to life are fantastic. This is a dark tale of hope, desperation, and the opportunity to make a new life for yourself. It’s also violent, bloody, and likely to end poorly for all involved. The Russian assassin is one of my favorite characters of the year—it’d be easy to have made him a joke, but the performer and Crosby won’t let you write him off like that.

4 Stars

The Third EyeThe Third Eye

by Felicia Day, and a full cast including Sean Astin, Felicia Day, Neil Gaiman, LilyPichu, London Hughes, and Wil Wheaton (and many others)

This was simply gobs of fun. Gaiman is just fantastic (no surprise there, I realize), Day plays the adorkable card like only she can, although Astin’s vampire comes close. Wheaton can play a jackwagon like nobody’s business, and…okay, I’m going to go on too long here (I really should’ve written a full post on this by now so I could’ve). You’ve got fun ‘n games with The Chosen One trope, satire and celebration of Urban Fantasy tropes and themes, some good action, and strong friendships. And a cheerful, optimistic feel that makes you just want more time in this world—even if there’s no story to be told (it’s even better during these almost 7 hours, though, because there is one).

4 Stars

Like, Literally, DudeLike, Literally, Dude: Arguing for the Good in Bad English

by Valerie Fridland, Narrated by Valerie Fridland, Joniece Abbott-Pratt, Keylor Leigh, Andrew Eiden, Christopher Ryan Grant, Ellen Archer, Eileen Stevens, and Nicky Endres

I’m a sucker for entertaining books about language, grammar, etc. Fridland’s apologetic for “Bad” English drives my inner prescriptivist, up the wall—but she joins the growing number of writers who are sealing up that prescriptivit’s coffin. How good is this book? Her chapter (or maybe it was a section of a chapter) on “Um” and “Uh” was fascinating. If she can pull that rabbit out of a hat, imagine how good she can be when she talks about the use/overuse of “like,” the history of “Dude,” or the figurative use of “literally”—and so much more. I spent most of the time listening to this book just geeking out in a way that made me regret not becoming a sociolinguist myself.

4 Stars

The Camera ManThe Camera Man

by Peter Grainger, Gildart Jackson (Narrator)

It’s not surprising to see a Grainger/Jackson pairing on this list—they’re behind what is probably my favorite audiobook series (I refuse to read a book in this series as long as Jackson is recording them). The Camera Man shows that the idea of DC Smith, PI has legs. The first book about him as a PI was very much a “Can he adjust to not being a police detective to help out a friend?” This is “Can DC act as a PI?” And the answer is a resounding Yes! There’s good material with Jo and the Diver siblings. But most of the joy just comes from Smith digging into the case. Just like the old days, but different. Loved it.

4 Stars

Nasty, Brutish, and ShortNasty, Brutish, and Short:
Adventures in Philosophy with My Kids

by Scott Hershovitz

My original post
This was a great listen—Hershovitz is the kind of lecturer you want to pay attention to (or so imagine based on this). This book succeeded on multiple fronts: it was frequently amusing, if not downright funny; it was educational; it was insightful (even when I disagreed with what he did with the insights); it was thoughtful; it offered (largely by example, not being didactic) good parental advice; and kept this particular listener fully engaged throughout. Just what you want from an audiobook.

3.5 Stars

Magpie MurdersMagpie Murders

by Anthony Horowitz, narrated by Samantha Bond, Allan Corduner

This book has been on my to-read list for a long time, but I kept not finding time for it. I finally gave up on going with the paper version and picked up the audio from the library. What a fantastic book! The concept was great, the hook was gripping, the execution was dynamite, the narration was spot-on, the….the…ugh. I’m just listing superlatives at this point. Which is pretty much why I haven’t finished my post about it (despite starting 11 months ago)—words fail me. Just loved this.

5 Stars

The Only Truly DeadThe Only Truly Dead

by Rob Parker, Warren Brown (Narrator)

My original post
So Warren Brown is just a fantastic narrator and fits the material perfectly—one of the best matches of voice and text I can remember. Parker’s text was everything I could’ve hoped for—everything he’s been building up over the previous two books gets paid off in a dramatic and compelling fashion. It’s a mix of hope and darkness, and a reminder that both have lasting effects.

4 Stars

Grandpappy’s Favorites of 2023

Grandpappy's Corner 2023 Favorites
I’ve posted favorite Picture or Children’s books before, but now that I’m a Grandfather, I’m thinking about these things more. So, it’s not unusual for me to read these kinds of books, but I’m doing more of it. I fully expect this post to grow in the years to come.

I practically guarantee these will tickle you and/or warm your heart.

(in alphabetical order by author)


by Sophie Blackall

My original post
It’s not the text of this book (not that there’s anything wrong with it), it’s largely the art that makes this stand out. The combination of the two…the whole experience of this book is what makes this makes this one memorable. I’m not sure what about the book will appeal to the Picture Book crowd, but the adults in their life are going to love spending time with this.

3.5 Stars

Saint Patrick the ForgiverSaint Patrick the Forgiver:
The History and Legends of Ireland’s Bishop

by Ned Bustard

My original post
I kicked off this series with this book, so there’s a little bit of sentiment going for it. I really appreciated the way that Bustard dealt with a lot of history and some pretty serious topics in an age-appropriate way. He avoided moralism, too. All while giving the reader a fun experience, with some eye-catching art. A great introduction to Patrick that will hopefully spur a child’s interest in him for a long time to come.

5 Stars

How Dinosaurs Went ExtinctHow Dinosaurs Went Extinct: A Safety Guide

by Ame Dyckman, Jennifer Harney (Illustrator)

I can’t believe I forgot to write about this book. It’s one I stumbled across on the shelves while shopping for something else, and after a quick flip through it, I added it to the stack. It’s silly, the colors are loud, the illustartions practically leap off the page. It’s really impressive just how much Harney squeezed into each drawing. Parents will have a lot of fun reading this one, and I think it’ll be catching.

4 Stars (at least, I don’t have a post to check and I don’t have time to re-read it now.)

Noodle Conquers Comfy MountainNoodle Conquers Comfy Mountain

by Jonathan Graziano, Dan Tavis (Illustrator)

My original post
The illustrations are adorable (and yes, you should pronounce it that way when talking about this book). The story is super-cute. While the first one was a nice intro to Noodle and his person, this is just a story about Noodle. It’s not a cuteness overload, but you’ll get close.

4 Stars

Every Dreaming Creature<Every Dreaming Creature

by Brendan Wenzel

My original post
This book about a child’s dream looks and feels like one. It’s comfy, it’s cozy, it’ll help an adult and (hopefully!) a child calm down and think about drifting off to their own dreamland. I cannot say enough about this art.

4 Stars

Sophie and the Heidelberg CatSophie and the Heidelberg Cat

by Andrew Wilson, Helena Perez Garcia (Illustrator)

My original post
Very possibly the best and clearest (definitely most succicinct) presentation of the Gospel and the assurance that is promised to those who have been bought by Christ I read this year. It’s an explanation of the first question and answer of the Heidelberg Catechism, which helps a lot. A nice bit of imagination, a dash of whimsy, good art, and a fantastic message. My wife and I have given away so many copies of this so far, it’s kind of mind-boggling.

5 Stars

Grandpappy Icon

Fourth Quarter Check-In/Wrap-Up: 2023 Plans and Challenges

Well…this doesn’t look the way I want it to. But here goes:

2023 Plans and Challenges
My plans this year focused on the two series that I’ve started—Literary Locals and Grandpappy’s Corner—both of which went well last year.

Then there’s the perennial, “Cut down on my Goodreads Want-to-Read list and the unread books that I own.” How did I do on that?

Audio E-book Physical Goodreads
End of 2022 5 45 42 143
End of 1st Quarter 4 44 54 142
End of 2nd Quarter 5 50 56 145
End of 3rd Quarter 5 51 58 151
End of 4th Quarter 6 47 68 153

Swing and a Miss

Let’s move right along to see how I did with the Reading Challenges…
2023 Book Challenges

Goodreads Challenge

It should show a few more read, but Goodreads doesn’t have them in the list, and I’m too lazy to bother submitting them. Still, there I’m success.
Goodreads Challenge

and now, it’s time for the less than successful marks

12 Books
I got behind in March and never got back to this. It really drove me crazy, because I wanted to read these, but the idea of being behind ended up being a mental block. I’m working on this for next year. And I only wrote about one of the three I managed to read.
12 Books Challenge

2023 While I was Reading
While I Was Reading
I finished this one…although #4 isn’t probably what Ramona was going for. This is the last time I’ll be participating in this challenge, as Ramona’s retiring her blog. I feel bad that I didn’t do better for this last go-round. But…eh. I gave it a shot.

  1. A book with a protagonist over 40.: Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto
  2. A book considered a classic.: The Existence and Attributes of God by Stephen Charnock
  3. A graphic novel.: Bea Wolf by Zach Weinersmith, Boulet (Illustrator)
  4. A book that has been banned or challenged.: The Freedom of a Christian: A New Translation by Martin Luther (proscribed by the Edict of Worms in 1521…yeah, it’s a stretch, but I ran out of time for the more contemporary titles I picked)
  5. A book set in a place on your bucket list.: Blood Runs Cold by Neil Lancaster
  6. A book published before you were born.: On the Apostolic Preaching by Irenaeus of Lyons
  7. A book related to a goal you have for 2023.: Church History in Plain Language, Fifth Edition by Bruce Shelley, Revision Editor Marshall Shelley
  8. A book by an author of color.: The Raven Thief by Gigi Pandian
  9. A book with a clever title.: Kneading Journalism: Essays on Baking Bread and Breaking Down the News by Tony Ganzer
  10. A book by a famous author you’ve never read: The Last Dance by Mark Billingham
  11. A non-fiction book about a topic you love.: The Worst We Can Find: MST3K, RiffTrax, and the History of Heckling at the Movies by Dale Sherman
  12. A novella: Bad Memory by Jim Cliff

Your TBR Reduction Book Challenge

Your TBR Reduction Book Challenge
I’m on-target for this one (as much as I can be), and have even got a couple of the Stretch Goals accomplished.
January – End to end temptation I give you permission to read the most recent book you have got on top of your TBR. For many this is one we only get to read eventually but for now I want you to pick up the newest book in Mount TBR and read it. Can you remember the last time you did that? It’s a good habit to get into and January is all about starting good habits: The Perception of Dolls by Anthony Croix, Edited by Russell Day
Stretch Goal – Read the oldest book in Mount TBR it has waited long enough: Bartleby and James: Edwardian Steampunk Chronicle by Michael Coorlim
February – Short steps For the shortest month of the year I want you to read 28 short stories. This can be a TBR collection, anthology or even backlog of magazines that you have. Life is fast but use this challenge to appreciate the skill of the short story writer. Play your skills right you may get more than one book read this way. eh…I get partial credit for this, Noirville contained every short story I had unread, but it’s only fifteen stories. I did read extra novellas for the Stretch Goal, though. So I’m calling this okay?
Stretch Goal – Read four novellas one for each week of the month. Bad Memory by Jim Cliff, Anna and the Vampire Prince by Jeanne C. Stein, and Broken by Don Winslow (which is six novellas).
March – Fresh Starts This time for the beginning of spring you need to start a series you have never read before. Release this work from Mount TBR! Justice Calling by Annie Bellet
April – Open and Shut Case For the month named after the latin for ‘to open’ you need to read a standalone book with no sequel or links to any other book. Something new and something you can let go after reading it: The Winter of Frankie Machine by Don Winslow
May – Crowning Glory? the UK has a lot of bank holidays including a coronation this month so suitably let’s pick a book about revolution or a change of those in power. Questland by Carrie Vaughn
June – long reading days or longest nights Irrespective of your hemisphere you have time for reading either in the joys of summer or depths of winter. Your challenge here is to find the largest tale on Mount TBR and finish it. Let that monster get off your back: Ink Black Heart by Robert Galbraith
July – Holidays are coming! let’s go travelling find a book by the author who lives the furthest from you on the globe. I give you seven months to do the maths! Let’s explore the fiction of places very much not like our own: Eternity Fund by Liz Monument (Australia)
August – Holiday Treats reward time you get to choose the book in your TBR pile no Themes, clues of queries to ask. Just take one off the list!: Lemon Man by Ken Bruton
September – Seven Deadly Tempts read a book linked however you want to one of the seven deadly sins. Booktempting I stress is not one of them. Indulge yourselves: Cash Rules Everything Around Me by Rob Gittins. If that title doesn’t scream Greed, I don’t know what does (the other 6 show up as well in the book)
October – Spooky Season cometh read a book with a spooky or dark theme. Unsettle yourself prior to Halloween: Evil Embers by Cristelle Comby
November – Small Press Big Stories read a book that is published by a printing house that is not connected to the auk/US Big Five publishers: Evil Valley by Simon Hall
December – Don’t forget to say thank you it’s been over a year treat yourself to a book someone else gifted you. If you liked it tell that person!: Vicious Dogs by Henry Brock

Beat the Backlist Reading Challenge;
Beat the Backlist Reading Challengee
I’ve got 16 of the 24 categories taken care of. So, I guess I’m okay-ish here. I’ll have a few others accomplished by the end of the year, but I think this is going to be an incomplete challenge.

  • five word title (only 5 words, count ’em up!) – The Winter of Frankie Machine by Don Winslow
  • won an award (the book won an award. any award!)
  • meant to read it last year (a book you planned to get to in 2022 and didn’t) – The Night Watch by Neil Lancaster
  • giving an author a second chance (an author (or specific book) you previously didn’t jive with ) – Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett
  • an author writing under a pseudonym (the author(s) is not writing under their real name) – Cutthroat Cupcakes by Cate Lawley
  • 2022 debut novel (an author’s first book that released in 2022) – Lemon Man by Ken Bruton
  • standalone (the book has no prequels/sequels) – Proxies by James T. Lambert
  • bought and forgot it (a book you bought (or borrowed) and forgot about it) – Cash Rules Everything Around Me by Rob Gittins
  • plants on the cover (any kind of plant on the cover is fair game) – The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow
  • first in a trilogy (the book is the first of three) – The Curse of the Silver Pharaoh by Pip Ballantine & Tee Morris
  • name in the title (the title has a character name in it) – Klone’s Stronghold by Joyce Reynolds-Ward
  • set on a continent you don’t live on (the story is set on a continent (or heavily inspired by a place on a continent) you do NOT live on) – Anna and the Vampire Prince by Jeanne C. Stein
  • it’s a trope! (your favorite) (pick your favorite trope and read a book featuring it)
  • less than 170 pages (make sure it’s a short one!) – Bartleby and James: Edwardian Steampunk Chronicle by Michael Coorlim
  • released at least 23 years ago (that’s right, we’re taking it back to the 90’s (release dates in 1999 or before))
  • protagonist name starts with “M” (the main character has a name beginning with “M”) – Teaching Moments by Troy Lambert (Max)
  • graphic novel outside your fave genre (find a graphic novel that isn’t in one of your favorite genres)
  • recommended by a bookseller (ask your local bookseller for a recommendation! if you don’t have a local store, there are plenty with social media accounts to reach out to)
  • letter “z” in the title (the letter “z” appears somewhere in the title) – A Sh*tload of Crazy Powers by Jackson Ford
  • all about music or the arts (the story revolves around music or the arts in some way) – Questland by Carrie Vaughn
  • protagonist has a pet (any pet will do) – A Man Named Doll by Jonathan Ames
  • more than 450 pages (grab a tome and get reading!) – The Ink Black Heart by Robert Galbraith
  • your favorite genre (a book that falls in your favorite genre) – Barking for Business by E. N. Crane
  • main cover color is your least favorite color (find a book prominently featuring your least favorite color on the cover) – A Geerhardus Vos Anthology: Biblical and Theological Insights Alphabetically Arranged ed. Danny E. Olinger (I don’t know that I have a least favorite color, but it is a bit “meh”)

Basically, 2 out of 4 (the Goodreads challenge isn’t really much of one). Not really my best. But…these things are for fun and to make me think about reading in a slightly different way. It succeeded there, as much as I didn’t.

(Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay)

The Irresponsible Reader in 2023: Thoughts, Thanks, and Stats

Programming Note: As is my custom, over the next week I’ll be looking back over the year that was—but I’ll try to come up with some new material, too. Many/most others have already done their best-of/year-end wrap-up posts, but I’m a stickler—I can’t start doing this kind of thing ’til the year is over. My brain doesn’t allow me to work that way (I just hate projecting things in general—and some years ago when I just read irresponsibly but hadn’t adopted the name, the last novel of the year was so far beyond the rest that I can’t start looking back until 12/31 at the earliest).

As we kick off 2024, I wanted to take a glance back at 2023—304 books finished (plus comics, picture books, short stories, and the like that I don’t know how to count)—my mind is thoroughly boggled! I exceeded my goal (nothing like exceeding an arbitrary number to boost the ol’ ego), too; finishing over 82,481 pages (too many audio-only things, to get an accurate count); with an average rating of 3.68 Stars (exactly the same as last year…how’s that for consistency).

On the blog front, I put up 626 postsan all-time high for me!! Thanks have to be given for all the contributors I had to a couple of series of posts this year that made that possible (I’ll get to this below). I had another year of strong gains in trafficviews and visitorsI’m not big-time (never going to be), but those numbers consistently weird me out (which is why I only look every 6-12 months). My follower count (here and on social media sites) is encouraging and humbling, I really feel like I ought to do more to earn them. Maybe there’s a book on how to be more interesting as a person that I should grab.

This was a year for series for me (which is partially why I’m so far behind on my To-Write-About pile). I (yet again) didn’t get back to my Classic Spenser series (which is grating), and I got too caught up in other stuff and abandoned my monthly Highlights: Lines Worth Repeating series (it’ll be back soon). But on the positive side, my Literary Locals series really took off and I launched my Grandpappy’s Corner, a true labor of love. My contribution to Self-Published Author Appreciation Week, The Inside Scoop—Self-Published Authors Talk About Self-Publishing turned out to be far bigger than I expected—and far better than I hoped. Lastly, there was the Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books series of guest posts, which I particularly enjoyed.

I, like many readers, am an introvert. But this year, I went out of my way to attend some in-person events, and hope to do some more of that. There were a couple of individual signings and readings, some other events at Rediscovered Books, the Nampa Library’s Treasure Valley Indie Book Fair, the Boise Library’s Comic Arts Fest and their Book Faire, and a meeting of IdaHope. It was great to interact with fellow readers and some authors apart from the screen. I started to list the authors I met, and then realized I’d forget at least one and would feel horrible. So…you know who you are, if you’re reading this, I really enjoyed interacting with you. I should probably list recording an episode of Let Me Tell You a Story as meeting an author (and her husband), but that was for Internet consumption, so it feels strange including it with all this offline stuff (but oh man…such a fun thing to do!).

As is my habit, here’s my breakdown of books by genre—I tweaked the table a bit, so it actually fits on the screen (or should). Genre labeling continues to be more difficult as I’m reading a lot of hybrids (most of us are, they’re being produced more), but I tend to go with the overarching genre. Once again, for someone who doesn’t plan too thoroughly, the percentages stay remarkably consistent from year to yearmy tastes (and the series I follow) apparently stay the same. I was surprised by the Mystery/Suspense/Thriller drop, and am bothered by the Theology drop (although a lot of those took enough work/time that it I can assuage my conscience). I expected the increase in Children’s lit—but those are so short that I can’t attribute any changes between it and the other moves.

Genre 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2012-16
Children’s 25 (8%) 5 (2%) 2 (1%) 5 (2%) 7 (3%) 11 (4%) 7 (3%) 5 (.5%)
Fantasy 34 (11%) 32 (10%) 20 (7%) 35 (13%) 28 (10%) 30 (11%) 7 (3%) 86 (8.6%)
General Fiction/ Literature 26 (9%) 24 (8%) 22 (7%) 16 (7%) 21 (8%) 22 (8%) 29 (10%) 111 (11%)
Mystery/ Suspense/ Thriller 90 (30%) 114 (37%) 117 (38%) 90 (34%) 105 (38%) 107 (38%) 102 (37%) 323 (32%)
Non-Fiction 22 (7%) 29 (9%) 22 (7%) 28 (10%) 25 (9%) 22 (8%) 10 (4%) 36 (3.6%)
Science Fiction 34 (11%) 28 (9%) 20 (7%) 20 (8%) 30 (11%) 25 (9%) 27 (10%) 95 (9.5%)
Theology/ Christian Living 30 (10%) 45 (15%) 38 (13%) 23 (8%) 34 (12%) 25 (9%) 30 (11%) 164 (16.4%)
Urban Fantasy 33 (11%) 34 (11%) 49 (16%) 42 (16%) 25 (9%) 29 (10%) 45 (16%) 149 (14.9%)
“Other” (Horror/ Humor/
Steampunk/ Western)
9 (3%) 2 (1%) 12 (4%) 4 (2%) 6 (2%) 7 (3%) 2 (1%) 32 (3%)

Thanks to the nifty spreadsheet made by the Voracious Reader, a few more stats were prepped for me (if I did better at using the tool, I could have more). I find them interesting, and maybe you will, too.
Re-Read Chart Huh…that’s a 2% drop in re-reads. I’d have guessed I went up by 5-10%.Source of my Books
Thanks to a comment from Allyson Johnson last year, I broke things down a bit to differentiate between borrowed (from a person) and borrowed from a Library. Combined, that number went down, which would trouble me a bit, but the percentage of review copies went up to almost balance it out.
Format of the BookThe percentage of eBooks went up as did paperbacks (oddly). Hardcovers took the hit there. There’s probably a link between that and the review copies mentioned above.

Enough about me. Now we get to my favorite partI want to talk about you, who keep me going and show an interest in what I’m doing here, and give some thanks to people for their impact on The Irresponsible Reader (the blog and the person) in 2023:

Have a great 2024, hope you find plenty of good things to read!

May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself. -Neil Gaiman

December 2023 in Retrospect: What I Read/Listened to/Wrote About

Lookee there, another month is done and dusted (yeah, a year, too…but we’ll get to that later). This month I finished 27 titles (3 down from last month, 6 down from last December), with an equivalent of 7,905+ pages or the equivalent (1,599 more than last month), and gave them an average of 3.78 stars (the same as last month).

There were a couple of picture books in that total, and 2 books I’ve been working on for months, so that’s really a lower number. But…eh, whatever. With one exception, I had a good time with them. I didn’t write as much this month as it felt I did, but I liked almost everything I produced. So…I’m calling it a win.

Here’s what happened here in December.
Books/Novels/Novellas Read/Listened to

Broken Trust Regeneration and Redemptive History The Secret
4 Stars 3.5 Stars 2 1/2 Stars
The Last Dance The MOST Powerful Christmas
4 Stars 4 1/2 Stars 3.5 Stars
Imaginary Numbers Blood Betrayal Alexandra Petri's US History: Important American Documents
3.5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars
Mislaid in Parts Half-Known Gone, Baby, Gone The Lord Bless You and Keep You
4 1/2 Stars 5 Stars 4 Stars
Grandpappy's Corner Logo Like, Literally, Dude Guards! Guards!
3 Stars 4 Stars 4 1/2 Stars
The Curator The Chimes The Mayors of New York
5 Stars 4 Stars 4 1/2 Stars
The God of the Mundane Vicious Dogs Such Sharp Teeth
3.5 Stars 3 Stars 3 Stars
The Many Assassinations of Samir, the Seller of Dreams The Moonshine Messiah She-Hulk: Jen Again
3.5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars
The Existence and Attributes of God A Mystery Revealed: 31 Meditations on the Trinity The AItheist
5 Stars 3 Stars 3 Stars


5 Stars 3 2 1/2 Stars 1
4 1/2 Stars 4 2 Stars 0
4 Stars 7 1 1/2 Stars 0
3.5 Stars 5 1 Star 0
3 Stars 7
Average = 3.78

TBR Stacks/Piles/Heaps

Audio E-book Physical Goodreads
End of
9 45 42 144
1st of the
7 47 69 153
Added 3 2 8 1
4 2 9 1
Current Total 6 47 68 153

“Traditionally” Published: 18
Self-/Independent Published: 9

Genre This Month Year to Date
Children’s 0 (0%) 25 (8%)
Fantasy 4 (15%) 34 (11%)
General Fiction/ Literature 1 (4%) 26 (9%)
Mystery/ Suspense/ Thriller 9 (33%) 90 (30%)
Non-Fiction 2 (7%) 22 (7%)
Science Fiction 3 (11%) 34 (11%)
Theology/ Christian Living 5 (19%) 30 (10%)
Urban Fantasy 2 (7%) 33 (11%)
“Other” (Horror/ Humor/ Steampunk/ Western) 1 (4%) 9 (3%)

Review-ish Things Posted

Other Things I Wrote
Other than the Saturday Miscellanies (2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th), I also wrote:

Enough about me—how Was Your Month?

December Calendar

November 2023 in Retrospect: What I Read/Listened to/Wrote About

I read 24 titles (1 down from last month, 2 up from last November), with an equivalent of 6,306+ pages* or the equivalent (351 down from last month, about the length of that one book I was short), and gave them an average of 3.8 stars (.3 up from last month). Five 4.5 star books is pretty remarkable–and one of those 5 stars books really should’ve been a 7 or 8.

Going to that Book Faire at the beginning of the month did not help my Mt. TBR at all. I’m not complaining, because I’m really looking forward to diving into those books. But I’m sitting on 30 more unread books that I own compared to last year in my second year of making a concerted effort to trim that number. I realize that math isn’t my strong suit, but I’m pretty sure that isn’t good.

Also, not good was the number of posts I produced. There were several outside-the-blog projects I was working on, but it wasn’t until last night when I started putting this together that I realized just how distracted I was by the outside stuff.

Still, I’m calling this a pretty good/decent month. Here’s the detailed look at November.

Books/Novels/Novellas Read/Listened to

Black Summer The Innocent Sleep The Door-to-Door Bookstore
5 Stars 4 1/2 Stars 3 Stars
Unfolding Redemption Grand Theft Astro Chaos Terminal
3 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars
Noodle Conquers Comfy Mountain Starter Villain Warriorborn
4 Stars 4 1/2 Stars 3.5 Stars
The Holy Spirit: An Introduction Bookshops & Bonedust Long Past Dues
4 1/2 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars
Movieland Up on the Woof Top How to Be Eaten
4 1/2 Stars 4 Stars 0 Stars
Things My Son Needs to Know about the World Calico Nerd
3.5 Stars 3.5 Stars? 3.5 Stars
Evil Valley Bea Wolf The Bittlemores
3 Stars 4 1/2 Stars 4 Stars
According to Mark Brokedown Prophets The Ghosts of Sherwood
5 Stars 4 Stars3 4 Stars

Still Reading

The Existence and Attributes of God A Mystery Revealed: 31 Meditations on the Trinity Regeneration and Redemptive History
Broken Trust


5 Stars 2 2 1/2 Stars 0
4 1/2 Stars 5 2 Stars 0
4 Stars 8 1 1/2 Stars 0
3.5 Stars 4 1 Star 0
3 Stars 4 0 Stars 1
Average = 3.77

TBR Stacks/Piles/Heaps

Audio E-book Physical Goodreads
End of
5 45 42 143
1st of the
6 47 62 153
Added 6 2 14 1
5 2 7 1
Current Total 7 47 69 153

“Traditionally” Published: 18
Self-/Independent Published: 6 (eep!)

Genre This Month Year to Date
Children’s 1 (4%) 25 (9%)
Fantasy 3 (13%) 30 (11%)
General Fiction/ Literature 5 (21%) 25 (9%)
Mystery/ Suspense/ Thriller 5 (21%) 81 (29%)
Non-Fiction 2 (8%) 20 (7%)
Science Fiction 4 (17%) 31 (11%)
Theology/ Christian Living 2 (8%) 25 (9%)
Urban Fantasy 2 (8%) 31 (11%)
“Other” (Horror/ Humor/ Steampunk/ Western) 0 (0%) 8 (3%)

Review-ish Things Posted

Other Things I Wrote
Other than the Saturday Miscellanies (4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th), I also wrote:

Enough about me—how was your November??

November Calendar

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